Letort in the Barracks



Jul 6, 2007
Help me settle a friendly disagreement with my friend. What are the regs that the water within the boundary of the barracks are under....We can't seem to find a definite answer in the PA Summary of regs.
Please check your PM
I would be curious to know the regs as well... I typically avoid that area because of this.
THanks for the responses via PM!

I also contacted someone from CVTU and got some info. It appears the stretch within the confines of the Barracks is under "open water" regs - meaning to me - that it's open "in season".

Curious how you're gonna gain access thru that stretch? After 9-11 they've got the barracks on a pretty secure lock down...my last experience with the stream thru there was when a buddy jumped across it on his mtn bike during a night ride many many moons ago....do they allow 'public access' to the barracks grounds nowadays? I go in there for work on occassion and they're pretty strict about access it seems...
It's actually not too bad. They'll ask for your ID and your fishing license. I walk up to the gate stating that I'd like to fish the Letort and usually park at the Mexican restaurant, and walk in from there. Although right now they have been slowly working on the bridge and that gate has been closed. So it's been a while since I've fished there. They do have some regulations of their own. So be sure to ask because I've been told different things (basically no wading and only fishing the lower section). The fishing can be quite good but there's much bigger fish elsewhere...
I don't think they are letting just anyone in there at all anymore. They are pretty tight about security I wouldnt waste my time. I used to have to go in there once a month and you pretty much have to have a reason to be there, business.

That would be a pretty long drive for a lot of people to be turned around.