


Active member
Apr 23, 2013
I was volunteered to pick up a family member in Lemont tomorrow, just outside State College. The good news for me is I'll have about 2 hours to fish. The bad news is I know nothing about the Ares at all. Can anyone help me out with the quickest access please? It doesn't have to be the best, just make the best use of my limited time. Thanks.
Spring creek runs through lemony, but almost all of it is on private land
From lemont travel drown branch rd, across rt26 and go through to houserville road. A few places along there or better yet go on about a half mile to rock rd. good fishing along rock rd. check a map
Good access too
Oh, heads up psu home football game traffic may be heavy, especially coming up 322
Thank you. I was looking at a map. I saw spring creek park, thought that looked like a place to start. I'll check out Rock rd though. I'm hoping I can time it so I miss most of the game traffic.
I thought that was Fred Sanford's son.

Reference; Stagger Lee avatar
he was a big dummy that had no luck with the ladies...
krayfish wrote:

I thought that was Fred Sanford's son.

Reference; Stagger Lee avatar

Good call Kray. I'll take ur avatar for the win ... best comic going
Holy crap!! Someone actually knew who my avatar is. Ol' Doug is a little dark and twisted but he is definitely the best living comic
I am part of Stanhopes death pool. Lol
At last fall's Catskilljam, I took a dvd player and we watched "deadbeat hero" in the room while drinking beer. I believe DaveS and Ines were a bit on the shocked side but were busting a gut. I think Nick walked out. LMAO
Got turned onto him in 07 "No Refunds". Still my favorite of all his shows but his "Freedom" rant on Deadbeat is epic ... on of the GOAT comedic rants.
As long as we're talking about Doug Stanhope (??), I gotta say that his rant about the box factory and why coke is illegal is possibly one of the truest, most clearly thought out nuggetts of revelation I've ever pondered, as long as you get that the whole thing is not JUST about box factories and cocaine.....
For a while, my signature line was a link to his YouTube video of the aristocrats joke. Had to take it down. I believe it scarred NickR for life. LMAO