Lehigh River

Not I. You saw three boats float through, or a boat with 3 ffmen in it? Yeah, the wind this time of year is a pain. May go now, not sure. Wanted to stock today to see what kind of distribution they get, too late now. You seeing any bugs coming off down there in numbers?
3 different boat and yes numbers of caddis.
I saw some stoneflys and some BWO's the wind has been a pain, and the water is still very cold but I did see more activity on Tuesday than I did on Monday. I fished in White Haven and a couple miles upriver from Rockport
Saw some pics from a buddy of mine who was on the LR today. Lets just say they slayed. Will get more details, but I am sure all fish were taken on top. This was the lower river - Bowmanstown and downstream. And no, these were not recently stocked fish. Holdovers/Wilds. Like any big water, it has its learning curve, but they are there.
VC, time of day they were having the best luck, and I am guessing caddis?
afternoon hours. Caddis and some hendricksons mostly
Who wants to float this weekend? Have toons will travel.
Sunday is a possibility?
"have toons will travel" I've never floated the Lehigh, seems a little intimidating but I'd love to try it sometime

A good stretch to try would be from Bowmanstown to the Rte 873 bridge. Fairly tame and might be a good run to get your feet wet.
Shane and Bill, keep me in mind. Next weekend looks real good for me. I'll either float the Lehigh or suicide run to New York. No whitewater releases scheduled until May 11.
kray, next weekend would be fun, we will have to see. I have tentative plans to go to NC PA and possibly the QG summit. If that doesn't pan out then I am in!
Sounds good. I'm itching to wet a line and have very little knowledge of that river but I'm curious and want to give a shot. Hopefully, fishing it won't make me want to grow / wax a "stash". Sorry Shane. Couldn't resist.
Saturday would be a real possibility for me to float it. Just pray we don't get a soaker this week. My cousin comes home as well and him, a friend, and I have spoken about floating. It would be a first for both of them. Put in around 11 would be the best bet. Just let me know guys.
I took the bike up to the gorge on Friday...I didn't have a thermometer but the water was cold. I got out late and might've missed the mid-afternoon hatch but I'm thinking things haven't really got going up there yet. Saw a bunch of small caddis and a couple hendricksons (again they migh've hatched already)
I was going to hit up downstream yesterday/Sunday but it was pretty blown out.
I should be up for a float this weekend...I'm supposed to get some oars this week.
I think I am going to make a thread up in the Fly Fishing Events and Meet-ups. Try to organize this. If you are interested in floating, it us supposed to be pretty nice this weekend.
Phil,Still a little cold up in the gorge, I'll meet you you up there when the water is @ 55, bring a luch
Water in the gorge area was 48 Thursday.