Lehigh River wading chart?

Update from FEW facebook page Friday 5/6

"Weekend Flow: match inflow up to 400cfs max, if significant runoff occurs due to precipitation, a portion of the 400cfs release may be curtailed this weekend, if this happens gate changes will be made after dark to ensure fisherman safety."

The chart is meant to be interpreted off of the Lehighton gage. However if flows at the Lehighton gage are in the ranges suggested and all things being equal other areas of the river should offer similar wading and float opportunities. Also for general rule - whatever cfs is being released from Walter doubles in cfs by the time it gets to Lehighton. However with this wet weather we've been having the spread definitely does increase between the two. For frame of reference - a 300cfs release from the dam is difficult but doable wading on the upper river. That same release will then be around 600cfs or more at Lehighton. Again a difficult wade but doable.