Lehigh River - Reg Change



Sep 9, 2006
This reg change was buried on the PFBC site with the Pine Creek reg change. If you fish the Lehigh, I suggest you submit comments indicating your in favor of this.

This reg change will eliminate any confusion whether or not the river is open to angling prior to the multiple open days. In the past this has lead to quite a bit of confusion.

Not sure about others, but I've had some great fishing in March and early April on the Lehigh. You can get some low flow days, crystal clear water and warmth and fish looking up. Black stones. Olives. QGs. Hendricksons. Now with this reg change, you can fish without being worried if you are in compliance or not.

Yes, I know the deadline has past to submit, but the word is that deadline is not a hard deadline.

Makes sense, aside from the headwater portion that feeds the reservoir it's the only section that's actually been closed prior to opening day in it doesn't make sense with the rest of the downstream trout water open. What surprised me was that I didn't realize it was 9.7 miles down to Sandy Run. I think that is what has confused a lot of anglers regarding whether or not the river was open, it's that "where the heck is this Sandy Run?"