Lehigh River Bridge Closure


Active member
Jun 26, 2010
Just wanted to give a heads up to anyone that is fishing the Lehigh in the Palmerton to Walnutport area, that the 873 Lehigh Gap Bridge will be partially closed for at least a year. It is closed to traffic heading towards Slatington and open to traffic heading to Palmerton. This will majorly affect the Gap boat launch. If you come from the North and the Northeast Extension, you will have to detour through Walnutport. Adding about 20 minutes to your trip. Traffic is awful and is regularly backed up to the Mcdonalds on 145 Walnutport. Just a heads up and good luck out there this season!

Gap Bridge Closure

Sky Blue Outfitters
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Just wanted to give a heads up to anyone that is fishing the Lehigh in the Palmerton to Walnutport area, that the 873 Lehigh Gap Bridge will be partially closed for at least a year. It is closed to traffic heading towards Slatington and open to traffic heading to Palmerton. This will majorly affect the Gap boat launch. If you come from the North and the Northeast Extension, you will have to detour through Walnutport. Adding about 20 minutes to your trip. Traffic is awful and is regularly backed up to the Mcdonalds on 145 Walnutport. Just a heads up and good luck out there this season!

Lehigh River Bridge Closure

Sky Blue Outfitters
Thanks for the heads up!
Dont fish that area much but do cross that bridge regularly going to Lehigh Valley Sptg Clays and AF Boyers. Wifey likes that Antique Mall outside Slatington.

Thanks for heads up
Dont fish that area much but do cross that bridge regularly going to Lehigh Valley Sptg Clays and AF Boyers. Wifey likes that Antique Mall outside Slatington.

Thanks for heads up
Yeah, it’s a pretty big pain in general. Wife teaches at Parkland, we live in Palmerton. I just told her to start taking the turnpike. Saves her 20-30 minutes in her drive to work now. Tolls suck, but hearing your wife complain constantly about how long it takes her to get to work is worse.

Took my 2yr old to the antique mall last Saturday to walk around and burn some energy. 10 minute drive took 30 minutes. 🙄