Legs on nymphs

Saxionm, even though I have not tried your product, I give you credit to adding a new product to the fly fishing world, and where many previous innovations happened here in PA, another one can be added to the list, I look forward to trying your product next time I get a chance.

"I am not trying to push my product one bit."
This a FF forum where new products are always being advertised?. Why not? 😉
I simply made the statement about the legz being stiff is the only comment I didn't agree upon. Due to that being a false accusation.

"didn't agree" is a far cry from "false accusation"

Keep in mind that just because the people posting may not have used your specific product doesn't mean that they haven't used silicone in their tying.

I have a hard time believing that your particular recipe is drastically different from other silicone tying products...and if it's anything like the others, there's no way that it's going to move as much as hackle, spiky fur, or herl. Further, I've seen silicone products in the water, and to my eye, they just don't move like the natural. In a still photo, sure, they're a dead ringer for a wing case and legs, but I try to make sure my flies will move like the natural, and for me, for now at least, that's going to be a fine-fibered natural material every time.

I said and I quote "it drastically improved my nymphing skill on central pa.

That's a quote that I'd dispute. A tying material does not improve your fishing skill. It might have improved your results (and as is being discussed, those results may or may not be exceptional), but the way you fish the nymphs didn't change because of the presence of silicone.

Perhaps you fished it harder because you wanted it to work...perhaps you caught more fish on them because you fished it with more confidence (and thus used them longer)...but if you're going to tell people that the things they're saying are wrong, you should make sure that the things you're saying are right.

I really do hope you are successful in your business of making and selling these things. As I said before, for my personal use, they're too "insert tab A into slot B" Ikea assembly instructions type of fly assembly, but for someone who doesn't want to bother with actually tying wing cases and legs, they might be just the ticket, and I hope that for those people, your product fits the bill and you're successful.

I'm just not so sure you're approaching your PR in the right way here.