Legs on nymphs



Jul 16, 2008
Has anyone tried the product called Lively Legz.They are the rubber legs you can add to your flies. They look realistic,any opinions.
I have not tried them They look a little stiff to me. I like the following for nymph legs: pheasant tail fibers, hen back fibers, flurofiber, or silli legs.
Tried them and love them.
Most of my nymphs I tie with lively legz. They really do work. I highly suggest them to anyone.
I tied some up they look great can't wait to gush them
expensive, stiff, needlessly complicated. Made for people not fish. Hooks fishermen. Enjoy making great looking flies. I can't believe this would ever catch a fish that any other reasonable pattern wouldn't . I see a lot more complication and die-cast or whatever components for flies. Problem is, they are expensive and not very adaptable for size. I would think that this particular pre-fab component might make your fly flip over. I've made-up some great, elaborate patterns with beads and legs and great wing cases and weight tied along the sides of the shank, different shades of dubbing to imitate the lighter underside of the nymph thorax and DAM! the thing flipped over. With all these elaborate patterns and pre-fab components, you fly may not do what it essentially should.
At least they work for me much more than feathers for legs. Look at some of their tying demo's on youtube.
Fur for legs even better than feather imo, especially with spiky guard hairs intermingled, although haven't tried these yet, would like to experiment with the smaller sizes.
My name is Mike Saxion and I am from Indiana, pa area. The whole reasoning behind me creating lively legz was to improve the overall profile of the nymphs I tie. Upon many trial and error efforts I finally came up with the design that fished extremely well and was very pleased with. At first, (spring of 2013), it was a small gang of us using the product and were noticing our nymphing rate drastically increased using the nymphs tied with the lively legz. I decided to share the product with several people and eventually decided to open an online store and make the product available to the fisherman who have the same interest as I do.....to become a better nymph fisherman. I am not on here claiming to be even remotely a great fly fisherman and still have miles to go before I perfect the "art of it." What I can tell you about the lively leg nymphs is that we do catch upwards of 40-60 trout on pretty much every trip we take given fair conditions.....and I can assure you that number has increased drastically due to the nymphs we are using. When I say 40-60 each trip that is typically between 3 fisherman and we are always somewhere in pa in search of the wild browns. We do fish northern pa as well quite often. Please check out our you tube videos to see the product in action. For those commenting the legs are too stiff.....I can assure you never had the product in your hand. For those commenting the product is too expensive....There are 15 in a pack for 3.99 you do the math and then compare to similar foreign products. These are 100% made in the USA each and ever leg is made, bagged, inspected, and packaged in Indiana, Pa. Lastly, I'm not a business man. I'm actually a first grade teacher with a passion to fish. I wanted to share my product with the people who have the same desires. Best of luck, Mike
Have you really tied with my legz? Just don't understand how you can call them stiff? Anyways, comments are comments and I wish you the best this season. However please don't give false information on a product if you haven't tried it out. Are you sure you are talking Lively Legz" they are not even remotely firm by any means. My idea was to create a realistic feel as well. Thanks, Mike Saxion
Hey Mike, just wanted to say that the legz are great and I tie 90% of my nymphs with them. They move great in the water and catch a lot of fish for me. Thanks for coming out with such a great product that I will continue to buy. Good luck, Breechesangler.
saxionm wrote:
40-60 trout on pretty much every trip we take given fair conditions.....and I can assure you that number has increased drastically due to the nymphs we are using. When I say 40-60 each trip that is typically between 3 fisherman and we are always somewhere in pa in search of the wild browns.

You mention fishing the LJR on your website and producing these sort of numbers. Now I realize that you are trying to push your product, but 20 fish per man, per day is not all that uncommon for a decent nymph fisherman on that water fishing with plain old PT's, GRHE's, etc. It's probably some of the best nymphing water in the state for wild fish.
The important part is he said his nymph fishing drastically improved after using them.

I'm not sure why there is so much contempt for the product (especially since is locally owned / manufactured). I don't really like nymphing and I probably won't buy them, but I never thought to blast them on a message board.

If I was going to blast fly gear online, I'd stick to all of the Chinese / Korean manufactured junk (rods, reels, waders, boots, lines, flies, etc.)
I don't really like nymphing and I probably won't buy them, but I never thought to blast them on a message board.

I didn't see it so much as 'blasting', as OP asked for opinions, and those who have seen them and chose not to buy them giving their reasons.

If anything, the manufacturer popping up to call these people out and essentially tell them to shut up unless they've used them turned me off of ever trying the product just as much as my own personal aversion to the whole "assembly kit" style of fly tying on its own.

For me, a big part of the pleasure I derive from fly tying is using materials to represent the various parts of the bug or fish I'm imitating. Products like this, to me, are closer to soft plastics for bass than my idea of fly fishing.

That's just personal preference though (and I certainly wouldn't pass judgement on anyone who likes to use them), so maybe I'm not allowed to voice my opinion... ;)

Good points. I agree 100% with your 3rd paragraph.
I am not trying to push my product one bit.....I said and I quote "it drastically improved my nymphing skill on central pa. For those giving their opinions I really enjoy hearing what others think. In no form did I tell people to "shut up" about an opinion. I simply made the statement about the legz being stiff is the only comment I didn't agree upon. Due to that being a false accusation. Feel free to keep giving your opinions. They are really appreciated to better improve the product. As to "moon1284" thanks for the props about the idea thought of in the USA, as well as manufactured in the USA. As far as Penn Kenn please message me or post your videos of you catching 40-60 trout at the little Juniata.....I would love to fish with you or at least watch your technique since you think the little j is so easy to catch fish......Warning to you first..... The little Juniata makes a lot of "so called nymphers" look very silly!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've been tying flies for 40 +years and have seen things come and go. After tying about 5 dozen flies with Legz I have to say they are easy to tie and improve the looks. I'm anxious to get out and try them. I'm always looking for that edge and this product might fit the bill.
Reading comprehension dude. Where do I say that I catch 40-60 fish a day?

I said I get 20 regularly. Which is right about the same as you saying you get 40-60 between 2-3 guys.

All I did was compare your catch rate to what I'm seeing with more conventionally tied flies. Based on your catch rate, I don't think your legs do anything that older patterns cannot.
If someone likes to use feathers for legs, let them. If someone likes to use lively legz for legs, let them and be open-minded to the product. Don't be too much of a "purist" so you don't try new products. As a flyfisherman, I like to catch fish on an artificial fly, I don't care if the legs are made of feathers or a manufactured product, if it improves my catch rate then great. So give the man the credit he deserves for creating a small business trying to help fishermen catch fish, and most of all for creating a product that truly does work.