Lefty Kreh Statue… Pretty cool !

I don't really have much of an opinion as I don't know much on Lefty as I never met or watched a lot of videos of him. I think he's cool and a phenomenal caster, a world class caster for sure. I remember him doing a demonstration where he casted line with his hand! That was pretty cool.

I will say in the book "Lords of the Fly" a fun book documenting tarpon records, that people in FL didn't like him because he brought a lot of attention to the fishery, essentially spot-burning on a massive scale. I also never fished in FL and obviously didn't grow up around there when he was actively fishing it.

I guess what I mean to say is that I like his mad fishing skills but maybe not his commercial ventures. One thing I definitely didn't like was that he and Flip had a deal with TFO. You'd think anglers of that caliber would align with a more prestigious company. Even as a moderately skilled angler who blindly blunders through creeks in the hopes I can pick up one fish that I haven't spooked with my loud wading, I would be embarrassed to have affiliation with TFO.

Lefty's book "Fly Fishing in Saltwater" is nothing but a spot burn book, down to specific towns (not only in FL but the Bahamas and Costa Rica too). Also check out Norman Duncan's take on the "Deceiver" fly. Norman Duncan was a part of south FL fly fishing pioneers that included himself, John Emery, Chico Fernandez and Flip Pallot. I can't remember if Duncan is mentioned in "Lords of the Fly" but he first told Steve Huff of Homosassa (before Lefty wrote about it).
To answer your TFO inquiry, it seems Flip will endorse any product as long as the check clears.

Back on topic, I'm all for honoring Lefty's service to this country. I don't think much of his reported ethics on the fishing side... but he made money fly fishing and I just spend money fly fishing.
I agree. Information he happened upon he saw as money. However I have no ill will towards him. People are not always the "white knight" they seem to be.
Even as a moderately skilled angler who blindly blunders through creeks in the hopes I can pick up one fish that I haven't spooked with my loud wading, I would be embarrassed to have affiliation with TFO.

I love the TFO four weight I got to kick around with in a couple of small local streams. Well made. Casts nice.
I don't care one way or the other about Lefty. As for the statue, it is definitely pedestrian grade "public art" in my opinion. Kinda what would be called "schlock art". The article actually is not that great in showing the statue installed. The photo I saw was cropped. The statue is installed so it looks like it is a wading fisherman which is maybe the best part about it. I would rather see the pond with no art. ( I could definitely do without almost all public murals too) . I would add that usually a lot of public tax dollars get spent , much of it going to administrators of these public art things. I don't know who funded this one. End of rant.
Friends of Lefty Kreh organization raised the money. Local artist. Family looks happy. If nothing else, this project is successful for that alone. Nothing about this is schlock art.. oh... "In my opinion."
I don't know any fly tying celebrities personally, but the one I've spent the most time talking to is Bob Clouser. Maybe since he's local to me, and a PA legend, his opinion counts to me more. As the story goes, Bob saw Lefty casting one day on the Susquehanna and boated over him to watch and learn. That's how they became friends - a chance encounter on the water doing what we all love. The kind of guy who'd be ok with someone crowding in on him to watch him fish, and then offer tips and feedback, seems like the kind of guy I'd want to meet on the water too. So I think Lefty must've been ok. I think the statue is cool, and I'm glad his family and his community did it. We should all be so lucky to be appreciated by some when we're not around to throw a few flies some day.
The list of fly fishing celebrities I've sought out in my life (Lefty included) is many, mainly because I wanted books signed and/or I wanted to tell them their books were an early influence as I was self taught.

Over the years, even irascible characters like Vince Marinaro or a mobbed Lefty Kreh at a fishing show were friendly and courteous towards me. I've even hoisted a few with some of them... 🍸

IMHO - It will be a sad day when there is nobody left to admire because everyone has a microscope at the ready, looking looking for any transgression as an excuse to disqualify.

What's next, tearing down memorials to any angler who fished club waters or wears felt soled wading shoes...?

I never drank with Lefty, but he's still OK in my book and I'm glad his town and friends chose to honor him!
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The list of fly fishing celebrities I've sought out in my life (Lefty included) is many, mainly because I wanted books signed and/or I wanted to tell them their books were an early influence as I was self taught.

Over the years, even irascible characters like Vince Marinaro or a mobbed Lefty Kreh at a fishing show were friendly and courteous towards me. I've even hoisted a few with some of them... 🍸

IMHO - It will be a sad day when there is nobody left to admire because everyone has a microscope at the ready, looking looking for any transgression to disqualify.

What's next, tearing down memorials to any angler who fished club waters or wears felt soled wading shoes...?

I never drank with Lefty, but he's still OK in my book and I'm glad his town and friends chose to honor him!
This is spot on, in my opinion. We can always find fault with anyone, but simple differences of opinion should not detract from whether someone is deserving of honor. Now I’m not saying OJ Simpson should not be shunned, but that’s a whole other level of debate.

Personally, I am a huge fan of Jack Nicklaus the golfer. I disagree wholeheartedly with certain views he appears to hold, but that does not mean I think any less of Nicklaus for his achievements as a golfer or sportsman.

If friends of Lefty and his hometown want to honor him for his contributions to fly fishing, then I am all for it. I have to imagine one day we will have the same conversation about Tom Rosenbauer and his contributions to fly fishing.
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Good grief, I’ll edit my last post so as not to violate rules.
It was a joke, i put capital LOL in front! If my humor offended anyone i am sorry, wasnt my intention
Fly fishing celebrity- Someone who made money selling something to fly fishermen. Plenty of noble, nice guys out there who are fishermen and otherwise who get no statue. Who cares.
Name one so I can burst out laughing....
Probably a half dozen or more on this site that I could mention. They don't have anything to sell and have given a lot to the sport and to individual fishermen. Fame is something they do not seek. As far as talent and skill I can tell you without any reservations that the best fishermen ( guys who are real specialists and can catch fish when others struggle) are guys nobody ever heard of. I celebrate those individuals, In the end I don't care either way about Leftys statue. Fishing isn't really a sport and it isn't a competition. He's just another guy. Glad no tax dollar were spent on it. Now who gets to pay for its maintenance? All public art must be maintained. Hooray for Lefty! The "celebrated" anglers of the future will probably be the youtubers who've done more harm than good. Hooray for the spot burning, hero shot taking, big ego youtubers!
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