lebanon co swatara creek



Aug 10, 2008
where the bologna comes from.
hit the swattie north of annville this morning.
levels and flow are down, but normal for this time of the year.
it's running crystal clear....or as clear as it gets.
started off with a smaller crystal bugger, that the blueguills and redbreasts just loved. came across a hole that was holding some real monsters.
even the huge fallfish in it were acting like trout, being all picky.
end up snookering a 20" chub, that had a bunch of even larger smallies trying to see what he had.
tied a clouser minnow on an d trolled the hole with it...till something hit it, then cut it off....i know there are tiger muskies in the creek as well....
water temps were in the lower mid 70s....all in all it was a fantastic morning. but by quarter of eleven things had pretty much shutdown. i'm going back this evening.
the fishing was great, the weather even better, the skies clear, it was just one of those days.