Leaky waders



May 28, 2013
Anybody know a good trick to find a leak in breathable waders? I believe they are some kind of nylon? It's a small leak but after an hour or two my left foot is soaked. I have aqua seal and I tried filling them with water and I found the general area and thought I had it but I don't. They still leak. I'm trying to keep from just covering the whole left leg in aqua seal but it is frustrating. I just bought them this winter too and I'm pretty sure it's not any kind of defect just probably sticker bushes or something. Someone told me to use flex seal ( yes the stuff from the info-mercials) and just spray them from the knee down. But I have doubts about using that stuff. I know probably many of you have experience with leaky waders.
Someone told me to use flex seal
I tried it & it doesn't work. I flakes off on the first fishing trip after application. I sprays on and looks like automotive under-coat ....... but can't handle the extreme flexing waders do.

I'll use the rest of the can as tree paint whenever I prune limbs off.
Turn them inside out, get a flashlight and examine them in a dark room. You will see the light. Aquaseal has given me great results.
Fill a spray bottle with a alcohol, turn the waders inside out and spray them with the alcohol. Where the pin holes are, dark spots will appear on the material both outside and inside. Apply a thin coating of Aquaseal over each of the holes on the inside of your waders. HTH.
Afish's method is best for finding pinholes. A dab of aquaseal should be all that is needed once you find them.

Seams are much more difficult. And I've had a few cheaper waders, that when they go, the material essentially just stops being waterproof. It's not a pinhole or two, it's a slow seep through it all.

But pinholes are fixable.
Afish is right on. I think Simms has a video on their website to give you a walk-thru.
I've never had much luck with the alcohol method of finding leaks. Especially if the leak is in the neooprene booty or on a seam.
I've almost always been able to find the hole by filling them with water. You just have to make sure the waders are thoroughly dry before doing it. And sometimes you have to hold them for awhile until the water bleeds through.
I also like to do it outside on a sunny day - the bright light really helps show the leak well.
Good luck
Afish is on target using the alcohol. I would suggest that instead of using Aquaseal consider using Goop or Shoe Goo. They're cheaper than Aquaseal, you get a much larger tube for the same price and both work. I believe it's the same product as Aquaseal. I am still using an old pair of Simms waders I purchased in 2004 (still not leaking after repairs) where I've used the alcohol to identify holes/wear sopts, and made repairs using Goop and Shoe Goo. BTW, I purchase these products at Tru Value.