Leaders, Dry Flies

Well, my first furled leader is done and after I got the hang of it, it came together rather quickly. Instead of using masking tape at the third and fourth segment, I just used a TS knot and went from there. Not sure if I twisted the wrong way after doubling it over, but the thread in the first segment stands out a lot more than it does in the second and third.

Thanks for the "how to" afish. It definately turns over nicely when casted by hand.

I tried a couple times before attaching the ends to swivels on the back of a chair... which made the process much easier. I'd also suggest not doing this over carpet as the leader ate up the fibers and looked as though I touch dubbed the entire thing. lol. Either that, or its time I run the vacuum...
I furl useing a different method. I use the loop setup and a drill for my leaders. I have a jig for 8,10, and 12 footers right now.