leader to fly line connection


Congratulations! Welcome to the fraternity...
"The first trout on the Long Rod", is always a great thrill and one I bet NONE of us, has ever forgotten, either!
Don't know, if you tie yet, but that's the NEXT great and wonderful, thrill of this religion/art form/sport, whatever it is, we do............will be!! When you hook, play and (hopefully net), that first trout on a fly created by your own hand!!
As, stated, "welcome" and may you never look back!
(or, add up, what you'll spend!)
A suggestion when adding the mono to the end of the fly line is to use a colored piece. My shop uses a red mono. I like it as it acts as an indicator.
LeboFish- very nice, this stuff never gets old.


I learned to build leaders with some nailed amnesia with a 60-20-20 formula blood knotted.

My question is what is the purpose of loop to loop?? Is it for a quick leader change? If so, does the fly line presentation suffer with the limp loop to loop connection? Would'nt be easier to just blood knot on a different leader setup on?? How dramatic could the leader change be, where you would change the whole leader?

Just never tried it really. International Angler in Pgh,Pa recommends the loop to loop. Thanks
Hey Acristickid -

As you may of read, I'm brand spanking new to this sport. Being so I'm trying to focus on basic points, casting and covering (lol), rather than the more delicate aspects of the sport right now.

With that said and also being new to knot tying, I reasoned that a loop to loop would be the easiest to mend out on the water for me (if I should break my leader or if I would want to change size). I feel more comfortable now with just slipping 2 pre-made loops together. I had nail knotted a piece of mono on with a loop which I made and that took me a few tries. (Although I replaced it with a braided slip on leader loop. The loop is more relaxed than my mono loop) For me right now simple and uncomplicated is the order of the day. That way I don't forget why I'm out there, to relax and enjoy. With more experienced I'll begin to experiment more with knots, presentation etc.

As far as presentation of a loop to loop connection, I defer to the more accomplished anglers in the forum. I don't have enough experience to dictate the difference.

Hope this answers at least part of your question.
Lebo- I am by no means am I an expert or even an accomplised angler of any stretch in my mind; especially with knots. And my casting isnt that good either. I try to learn as much as possible. Any success I have is because of trying new things and keeping at it. When I first started fly fishing it was always with a group of my buddies, so asking for guidance was easy. However; they would leave you standing in a hole and be out of sight if you asked too much of anything. We still get out as much as possible and it is fun.

Hopefully some others will have thoughts about my question. Later
No problem. I hope I didn't sound as if I was being defensive. Just trying to explain my skill level.
I still like loop to loop after a couple of decades and find it easy to replace the leader as Lebo said. I would never use a blood knot to tie the leader to the line. The diameters are are too different in size and you'd end up stripping the coating off the flyline while tightening it anyway. Some like nail knots and I have done that but ended up just having to cut it off to change leaders anyway. Anything that makes it easier to fix in the dark up to my @$$ in moving water is good enough for me.
Lebo- no need to worry to about a thingt. Fishing is all for fun.

Tom- thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Try to learn new things everyday. Paul