Leader for stripers.



Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
I am headed to MD Friday to try my hand at stripers in the bay. I am going to use an 8/9wt with intermediate sinking line. What leader set up should I use. We are fishing from a friends boat. I am reading a ton of different. Some are using 9ft tapered leader. Other are using a short 4ft piece of 20lb mono. Where do I go?
My brother in law will be there as well. I just sent him these links.



sounds like anything chartreuse and white might catch some small stripers as they are being caught all the way between the bridge/tunnel and the susky flats. There is some leader info in the first one.
when I use my intermediate line I use a 3 to 4' section of 15 or 20 lb. fluoro for stripers & other non-toothy fish. If toothy fish are possible I add 6" of a tiable wire via a small o-ring available from feather craft.
If its just stipers, I would just use 7' of 15lb of straight maxima leader and tie the fly right onto that. No frills, but all you need.
Gearing up for this as well, was told most people either use 7' of straight mono or will do a couple feet of different amounts and taper it down.

I bought a couple spools of cheap mono from Walmart, 20# and 15#. I'll probably spring for a spool of 12# tippet, though.

I've whipped up a leader with some really stiff 50# stuff I bought to use as a shock leader in spin casting, but I think its just too heavy for use here. I'll find out when I finally get out to do some practice casting in a field.
For summer stripers in the bay one doesn't need a sophisticated leader set-up. For an intermediate line I'd suggest about 7 feet - 4' of 40lb; about 2 and a half feet of 14lb for "class tippet"; and about 6-8 inches of 40lb shock tippet.
For a heavy, fast sink line just use 3-4' (don't exceed 4' with a sinking line) of 14lb with a short shocker.
I use about 5 feet of 40 lb leader material, with a 20 lb floro tippet.

if there's blues around, i use a 20lb braided wire for tippet...I get it from the crafts store, it's for making bead necklaces. it's got a nylon coating, and can be tied in knots...works great.
Thanks for the replies. Hopefully I'll have a picture to share next week.
Good luck with your trip Bruno - we're looking forward to the pictures (no pressure, man :) ).
Yep- good luck.

The only worth while suggestion I can offer is use SPF 50.

Sorry if this is late for your trip, but depending where on the bay, I also bring along a shooting head like a Teeny 350 or similaras sometimes they are sitting pretty deep in the bay. I agree with most of the comments above as well in that your leader does not have to be anything fancy. I typically used a shock tippet only because I did not want to have to cut and re-tie my fly as often.

(FYI, I used to live i the DC area). Highly recommend a crab colored clouser minnow as well. (olive over white with gold flashbou and bright orange danville flat waxed nylon thread). It is a killer pattern for the area.
