Laurel Run Somerset County



Dec 30, 2013
Western Maryland
I've been thinking about this stream because I'm getting sick of 12 inch rainbows and every other stream is full of fisherman. The stream is only about 10 minutes from my house and it is a Class A stream. I'd like to get into some brookies this weekend. Does anyone know anything about it? Thank You!
It's not a long distance to travel for you - why not go check it out?

If you haven't already done so, check the PFBC website as Class A streams usually indicate whether they're brook, brown (or mixed) species. There's also a thread running currently that links to a recent PFBC study of SWPA mountain streams and that may be worth a look too. If this stream wasn't on that list, there are many others in your neck of the woods that would be worth exploring and get you away from those 12" stocked 'bows.

Much of the fun of backcountry trout fishing is exploring. Some streams turn out to be gems; others prove to be barren.
Thanks for the info. I only have so much time to fish because of college and hate to waste a day, but I'm starting to think its worth it . The stream is a brook trout stream, the only thing is the study was done in 1991, before I was born.
If this is the one that spills into Wills, I can say that the only time I ever visited, I left before I got out of the car. It was very tiny. I would bet dollars to doughnuts that it has a good fishable population of tiny brook trout. If you find access and a pleasant portion of stream to fish, you will not be disappointed if you are looking for a SWPa wild brookie experience. Good luck and enjoy yourself.