Lancaster Sunday News - Susky bass article



Well-known member
Aug 24, 2008
Good stuff thxs for posting
Good article thanks for the link.

Sadly, however, the article is nothing new. And frankly - with all due respect to the fishing guide quoted - I am highly skeptical of his claim of routinely catching 50, 60, or hundred (!) fish days around Harrisburg. Whenever I hear "100 fish day" my BS detector just goes off the chart. Sure, it's possible to catch a bunch of big smallies when they're laid up in pre-spawn pools and winter hiburnacula.

Tim Murphy is right-on about the post and boast guides talking up the Susky around Harrisburg every spring. I don't buy it.
PJ Reilly usually has fishing articles in on a regular basis. More often than not, it has something to do with the Susky. I enjoy reading the Sunday News and coming across his articles towards the back of the Sports section.
Here's another article that just ran today:
i read both of these and it is a huge problem. i wet wade alot in the spring time right at the route 30 bridge and the number of small mouth that i see floating by dead is horrible. i hear alot of guys say that have 100 smallmouth days above harrisburg by the statue of liberty. i fish sunbury alot from the bass boat and we do ok up there but its a huge issue and i hope they figue out something soon!
[color=0000FF]i wet wade alot in the spring time right at the route 30 bridge and the number of small mouth that i see floating by dead is horrible.
Same here, I think I know every rock in the river there!
I also see the dead bass and I've complained for years about it. All the "experts" tell me is: "It's the stress from spawning" - bullcrap!
Also huge declines of the rockbass that were super abundant around the rt 30 bridge. I've seen the river bottom at the rt 30 bridge go from gravel to mud!
The guides are trying to protect their guiding business, that's why they keep saying that the smallies are still there. LOL you just have to be a better fisherman..... or go fishing with them!
Bob Clouser was the top fly rod guide in the lower Susquehanna, now he only fly fishes for carp. He constantly wrote about the decline of the bass in the main stem of the Susky. A couple years ago he said: "I can't charge clients anymore because the smallmouth are gone"