Lake Wilhelm, Mercer Co



Active member
Oct 18, 2006
I don't know how long this has been posted, but here's a report of the lake from 2010.

I've never fished it, and have driven by it a few times. Now if I only had a boat...

A great muskie lake.
Its on my toothy critter list for this summer.
the upper end is great for canoes, no gas motors allowed up there. I try to hit it for bluegills and crappie, always do great.
IMO... This is one of the premier bass lakes in NW PA. I have fished it often and it is my favorite (largemouth) bass lake. When I get the boat out here later I would be glad to show you around sometime.

I will def take you up on that offer. I've been up in the area with my family, but never really fished the lake.
Its saying the shad have really been hurting the panfish populations. I was just there this weekend and caught about 40 crappie and gills. But I did see shad spawning, pretty much right on shore.
I've fished it a few times and, even in the stumps, only had one good day. It drives me nuts to see such good water but get skunked so much! If you're showing people around, please, I'll buy lunch. Show me, too. If the river is out of its banks for the next month, I'll need a place for my kayak and my 8 weight.
The stump section above I-79 (no motors alowed) is best fished in early April threw early June. The section I do best on is below I-79 and on stumpy drop offs in 10 -20 feet of water. I also have never fly fished for them. Hope I didn't miss lead anyone there. That said I can put you on fish just catching them on fly gear is another thing. Maybe with a sinking line and big streamers and crawfish flies!?!? That said, you can catch bass in shallow water but they will be small 2# or less and not a lot of them. The big fish 3# and up are deep in mid summer but lots of them. I will be working on getting my boat out after I get back from the outer banks in June and plan on hitting Wilhelm soon after.

Sly... You could try the area ubove I-79 now with your kayak. That would be ideal. That area is shallow and weedy. Look for edges on the weed beds and stumps. I would fish surface flies and big streamers. Once the water starts to warm up the bass go deep and move to the lower part of the lake.

I book marked this thread and will check back with you guys when I get the boat out. Sound good?