Lady Amherst 6/0



Mar 27, 2011
Big fly.

Tried to work along the lines of Ronn Lucas' style for this one (short tails and toppings leaving the back open), but failed.
I couldnt get the toppings flat enough for the tail and it looks like this one is a bit too long also.
I'd like it to either have a flatter and shorter tail, or a bit more curve to the topping to even out the curves - as is it i just looks a bit off.

Other than that i'm pretty happy with this one.
I worked from a couple sources for the pattern, and depending which you look at, the rib hackle either starts from the butt or the second turn of tinsel. Also, some listings dont have any teal mentioned in the tail or for the throat. In the end i decided to go with a throat as is just seemed right.


Comments and critique much appreciated as always! Included a photo with the wee Paddy 1/0 i tied a while back for size reference.



Paddy 1/0 and Lady Amherst 6/0
I really like the photo with both flies in the same frame. For some reason it just looks so well set up or placed if you know what I mean. Very nice ties, the "jc" is nicely aligned with one another.
Lady Amherst is quite the portly dame. But also breath taking.

Nice job!
you arent actually going to fish those are you? theyre beautiful!
Very nice flies Eunan.
Are the eyes for these flies made of mono?
Eyes are made from Post WWII silk fishing gut. It was made in occupied Japan