


Jul 31, 2008
I guess there was a reason that this is the only fishing site I lurk on.

That's awesome! I love this forum
Absolute Kudos to Dave K and all the mods.

Their hard work and and even-handed control of the forums keep this a great little place on the web.

Additionally - Kudos to the forum members. You all do a great job of self-policing and generally keep threads on topic.

Did I mention the willingness to help everyone from newbies, like me, to life-long fly-fisher?

I've made (and hope to make more) great friends through PAFF and hope to make more in the future.
Besides all of the other attributes listed in the link, I would add that this one is also the most FUN to participate in IMO.
Being able to meet - and fish with - so many of the great members here has been great!
We all have been able to create a unique place here on Paflyfish. It is not for everyone, but as mentioned with the help of Maurice, Jack, Dave and Tom I think the site is a little different. There is no guidebook on what makes a good forum, but I think we have seen what some bad ones look like.

Success basically comes with an agreement by those that come here they want something different and are willing to abide by the rules we have established. I am not a big rule guy, but to create civil environment in the internet we need to agree to treat each other with a little respect and I think for the most part that is what we are able to do that here.

Very few of us figured this sport all on our own or were not helped along the way by someone. While in college my friends Ron Kohlman and Greg Sipos dragged me around Potter County and western Pa find streams (and a few bars)in purist of elusive brown trout. If not for them taking time to explain to me the sport I would have never gotten started. Today I still learn a lot and realize how little I know when I am on Paflyfish. I feel pretty lucky we have a forum to share with so many and that you all get to enjoy. Enjoy it even more when I can get out with someone from the site or meet someone of the stream.

Again the fit and approach on Paflyfish are not for everyone, but thank you all that do appreciate and share here.

BTW Chad (Greenlander) has a fun site too. Always plenty of good content at Hatch.
PAFF has been a part of my life for many years now. The balance struck here between an open forum and a controlled forum is absolutely as close to perfection as one could hope for in a forum.

If I had a dime for everyone who told me there is a lot of bad info here, I'd buy a Sage Rod. My response: who is to judge the value of open communication?

Not everything is perfect, but it is as close to it as is possible considering all the circumstances. Thanks Dave, and everyone else who contributes quality content and friendly help. Also, kudos to all the people who organize and participate in the various get-togethers that originate here. For certain, this site is way more valuable when you have had the chance to meet other users in person.