Kudos to paflyfish

wildtrout2 wrote:

It's learned, not "learnt". See, you can even learn spelling on here. I just couldn't let you go through life saying/spelling it like that. lol

Jack's a mod. We're allowed to taunt him.
lv2nymph wrote:
Though that may sound much like what all fly fishing forums claim to offer, the key is that PAFlyFish actually succeeds at doing so, thanks entirely to its community. It is a community of individuals that are extremely knowledgable, generous with their time and information and welcoming to newcomers

I feel this is very true.
The people I have met here are good down to earth people, many have become friends some very good friends. I think it shows once you take a look around here. Of coarse there are small ripples here and there but with a community of this size you just can't avoid it.
They are few and far between...

This is definitely true. Sure, I've behavior from time to time that's a bit jerky to newcomers, but that's mostly poorly toned reminders about searching previous threads, adhering to rules/formats/etc. And, to be honest, a bit of frustration from regulars in that regard is to be expected.

But, what I don't see -- which plagues so many other forums (not just in the world of fly fishing, in fact more so elsewhere) -- is the need for new members to earn their keep or demonstrate a level of existing proficiency in order to have questions answered or help offered.

This is good.
greenlander wrote:
poorly toned reminders about searching previous threads, adhering to rules/formats/etc.

Nothing should be poorly toned, but reminders of forum conventions is actually helpful to newcomers in my view, and the conventions and norms are not too burdensome.
JackM wrote:
greenlander wrote:
poorly toned reminders about searching previous threads, adhering to rules/formats/etc.

Nothing should be poorly toned, but reminders of forum conventions is actually helpful to newcomers in my view, and the conventions and norms are not too burdensome.

And poorly toned is often imagined on the reader's end, in reality. It's pretty important not to infer tone in electronic communication. Let the writer spell it out, or assume it isn't there.
I've received PM's saying I was arrogant and obnoxious. The guy must have been talking about me.
It has been a great and informative forum since I first saw it. Extremely experienced group of like minded individuals with regards to their passion. A few slap sticks, a few instigators, and a few outlaws, but it is well moderated and always a small paradise a couple of times during the day.
wildtrout2 wrote:
geebee wrote:
What Jack said.

I've learnt a lot from this site, and now I'm trying to give back with accurate fishing reports and hopefully some useful questions.
It's learned, not "learnt". See, you can even learn spelling on here. I just couldn't let you go through life saying/spelling it like that. lol

HA! I can't stand the dropping of articles from sentences, and the dropping of 's' from plural words.
The site is great. Since joining, the site has helped rekindle a love of fly fishing that I've not had since I was a kid! Yeah, sometimes we get snarky and mean-spirited, but that's usually reserved for people who come on here with the intention of self promotion, or people who act like know-it-alls with no regard for the wisdom of other board members (and then there's the OT...)

Genuine ignorance is usually not met with obnoxious or arrogant replies.
PAFF is the greatest. Even an old dog like me has learned a trick or two or three.............

In a perfect world we would all catch 20+ trout 20
+ inches long each time we go out fly fishing. So the writer did some ego boosting and took some of it away....Did PAFF get a trophy for coming in as a great Forum? PAFF did get alot of good review and more than likely will continue to grow in positive fashion.

Maybe we should have a forum section that is for arrogance and obnoxious-ity?
It's learned, not "learnt". See, you can even learn spelling on here. I just couldn't let you go through life saying/spelling it like that. lol

uhhmmmm, not so fast:

‘Learnt’ or ‘learned’?

These are alternative forms of the past tense and past participle of the verb learn. ‘Learnt’ is more common in British English, and ‘learned’ in American English. There are a number of verbs of this type (burn, dream, kneel, lean, leap, spell, spill, spoil etc.). They are all irregular verbs, and this is a part of their irregularity.

From here: http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/us/words/learnt-vs-learned

Well earned praise. Owner, moderators, and participants (excluding the author of this post) made this forum a tremendous resource and entertaining site.
I think the site has gotten better within the last year or so
A good nod for sure. Yes, I'm addicted to this site. The best thing about this board, IMO, is it's openness to newcomers. It's full of genuinely good people who just want to help each other enjoy their lives. I've made lots of friends here.

In the regular forums things are usually pretty gentlemanlike. I try to listen to others, learn what I can, and add my own insight. Yes, I type fast and ramble too much. But I do my best to be informative and civil.

I do engage in heated political/moral/etc. debates and enjoy them, but I try to keep my end of that stuff on the OT board where it can be safely ignored if you're not interested in participating. And I do everything I can to not let disagreements on that kind of stuff become personal.

In a perfect world we would all catch 20+ trout 20
+ inches long each time we go out fly fishing.

That's not heaven, that's hell!
Not just openness to newcomers, but openness to all opinions. Not that you won't be challenged or disagreed with. The ability to maintain a friendly (or not) disagreement without becoming threatening or insulting is everyone's responsibility and everyone's triumph. Likewise, and in a related way, the ability to open up about commercial interests, whether they sponsor or not, contributes to the community just as much.

I found the way to learn the most and best is to hear everyone's views, theories or speculations and make up your own mind by testing the wisdom through experimentation. The FF World intelligenzia probably gasped when purposely "dragging" a dry fly was first proposed as a "valid" technique.

I applaud Dave Kile for maintaining these standards, where he could probably be more financially successful by taking a different tack.
The "Getting Started...." series on the Home/Blog page is great. I mean I would recommend reading that as a primer before reading the Orvis or other intro books.
