


New member
Mar 13, 2013
As a newbie one of the hardest thing for me to learn are all the different type of knots that are used. My question is, is there one or two knots that will work for all applications? Or better yet is there one knot that can be use for all?

Awesome web-site. Thanks!
A cinch knot/improved cinch knot and a double surgeon's/triple surgeon's will cover a lot of what you will need to do. You'll also need to tie line to leader in some manner. I like a nail knot but there are many ways to do it.
I use a loop to loop connection for fly line to leader and generally use knotless leaders. I like an Orvis/Becker knot for attaching the fly to the tippet and use the double surgeon's knot for repairing the knotless leaders (which for me amounts to adding tippit material). I also use the improved clinch knot occasionally.
I use the Davy knot to attach all my flies. It has not failed me at all. I use it for trout and steelhead and never lost a fish due to knot failure.
I spent a few rainy/snowy afternoons inside practicing a bunch of different knots just to get the hang of tying them. It was really helpful. If you have some spare time and some cheap monofilament sitting around, maybe practice tying.

My system is: nail knot a mono loop (surgeon's or perfection loop) to the fly line, then loop to loop connection (surgeon's or perfection loop) to connect my leader. Then triple surgeon's knot to add tippet to a leader when needed, and davy knot (really strong and simple knot!) or clinch knot to tie fly to tippet.

So basically I've learned 5-6 knots to do everything I routinely need to do. I also learned the no-slip mono loop for tying on streamers (gives them better action), and the blood knot (prettier looking line-to-line connections than the triple surgeon's knot).

Probably TMI at this point... sorry. You really do need to know at least a few knots. I have a pocket sized knot guide ( that has been really helpful.
Never knew about the Davy knot. Looks easy! I imagine you still need to wet it.