Knee Pads Under Waders



Staff member
Jan 24, 2016
I'm sure I'm not the only one who has had their knees take a beating while fishing. It happened again recently on the LJ - I stumbled in the creek and went down hard knee first on a rock. No serious damage but it was painful and still sensitive many days later. Ouch! Bound to happen again.

In middle age, I'm getting more protective of my knees as so many older friends and family have had knee trouble later in life.

So I bought some simple knee pads from Wallyworld and have been fishing them under my waders. They're a bit tight under my hip-boots but workable and are quite comfortable under looser waders. I would think they'll be fine wet wading too.

Anyway, does anybody else do this?
I don't think it's a common habit but, I may stick with it as it seems to be working and isn't much trouble.
Taking a slip and fall on the little J? Don't worry Dave, that would happen to a mountain goat if you put one out there.

I've been wearing the new orvis pros and at first i thought the pads were stupid but after knee surgery this winter theyre wonderful. What style of pads are you using? painters foam type or a more rigid plastic?
I use knee pads on occasion for fishing small streams where one must kneel quite a bit for stealth and/or to fit in a cast in heavy cover. I bought the rather cheap foam ones from Home Depot and find them quite adequate for the purpose.
The ones I'm currently using are fairly large - foam with two straps and a plastic cap.
I used to use them all the time on the Letort because I was on my knees ALL the time. However, the straps used to be EXTREMELY uncomfortable for me, as they would end up digging in behind my knees.

My solution was to buy a pair of military camo "duty pants" with a double layer of fabric at the knee. I opened one seam lengthwise on the outside of each knee to access the area BETWEEN the layers of fabric, then added some Velcro to close the seam when necessary. Then I cannibalized two nice flat foam inserts with a gel center FROM a pair of kneepads.

When I fished the Letort, I slipped simply slipped the foam into the “pockets” I created at the knees of my pants and I was set. No straps, no bulk and they work like a charm. I used them under waders and also while fishing other streams from the bank like Big Springs.

It is a bit tricky sourcing the stuff and making them, but I have a sewing machine so it was easy for me. It would also be a simple matter to ADD "pockets" to any pair of "fishing pants" and accomplish the same thing as conveniently, you have a seam on either side of the leg.

I haven’t worn mine in a while but maybe I should…
Bamboozle wrote:
I used to use them all the time on the Letort because I was on my knees ALL the time. However, the straps used to be EXTREMELY uncomfortable for me, as they would end up digging in behind my knees.

My solution was to buy a pair of military camo "duty pants" with a double layer of fabric at the knee. I opened one seam lengthwise on the outside of each knee to access the area BETWEEN the layers of fabric, then added some Velcro to close the seam when necessary. Then I cannibalized two nice flat foam inserts with a gel center FROM a pair of kneepads.

When I fished the Letort, I slipped simply slipped the foam into the “pockets” I created at the knees of my pants and I was set. No straps, no bulk and they work like a charm. I used them under waders and also while fishing other streams from the bank like Big Springs.

It is a bit tricky sourcing the stuff and making them, but I have a sewing machine so it was easy for me. It would also be a simple matter to ADD "pockets" to any pair of "fishing pants" and accomplish the same thing as conveniently, you have a seam on either side of the leg.

I haven’t worn mine in a while but maybe I should…

This sounds like an excellent modification.
After having both knees replaced I started wearing knee pads. I can't kneel down unless I have them on. What I have are likr basketball knee pads ,sponge covered with elastic cloth. They don't take up much room and are comfortble to wear. If you have good knees protect them.
I'd bet there would be a market for those modified pants. GG
These days, I should be trying to invent underwear with a removable "accident" pad... ;-)

Both myself and several of my buddies who enjoy mountain stream fishing have tried wearing knee pads.

But none of us now wear them. I just didn't find that they were very helpful or necessary.