

Well-known member
Apr 24, 2009
South Jersey
I had a day of depositions canceled on short notice on June 3. My wife a dog were away and I had nothing else pressing at my practice. FISH TIME! The only person I knew who would fish at the drop of a hat was Silent Ocelot (hereinafter referred to as “SO”). Yep, he was up for it. Initially I wanted to fish one of my favorite Class A streams in the Poconos, however, they were calling for thunderstorms in that area and SO was leery of a long hike in rough terrain only to be caught in a heavy thunder storm with lightning crashing down all over. SO knows my weaknesses for wild fish. He said he knew a spot that was loaded with natives, was closer than the Poconos and had relatively easier access. My mind fogged. My eyes glazed over. My mouth watered. I was hooked. I met SO in Hamburg and we headed out to Schuylkill County. As promised the creek was beautiful, with good levels of water, relatively open for casting and accessible from the road where we parked. Once on the water we started taking dry fly hits. Then it started as SO hooked and landed numerous fall fish, creek chubs and one monster sucker. After an hour of no trout I was pi..sed. "Mr. Ocelot" I asked, "where the hell are all of the brook trout?" He replied “Brook trout , who said anything about brook trout? I promised you natives and that’s what we are catching.”

In all seriousness, while initially we caught fall fish, as we moved away from the road the “natives” faded away and we started catching beautiful wild brown trout. All in all after more than 9 fish each, all on the small side caught on the dry dropper set up we called it a day. The Creek was in the mid 60's all day, had a greenish cast to it and was mostly on the shallow side. There was a small caddis hatch and some midges. Turing over rocks did not show much signs of life. Most of the trout were taken on the dropper. My droppers were mostly perdigon style nymphs. SO fished an assortment of store bought flies. We ended the day with a couple of cold ones.

By proclamation of myself (the self proclaimed Duke of Dalmatia) I pronounce Sir Silent Ocelot "King of the Natives" and all around good fishing buddy.

Looking at my post above I must have thought that I was writing War and Peace!
Why doesnt he post here anymore? We need a gear load out thread stat!!
His official answer was that he lost his login info when he switched jobs. We’ll have to try and press him harder haha. Good dude and one of only a few people I know who are always game to hit the paddy stretch of Penns in January when it’s at 1000 cfs on a random weekday😂.
His official answer was that he lost his login info when he switched jobs. We’ll have to try and press him harder haha. Good dude and one of only a few people I know who are always game to hit the paddy stretch of Penns in January when it’s at 1000 cfs on a random weekday😂.
Big confession here. I cant break the schneid on Penns. I've fished it maybe 8 times. One tug on a woolly bugger and that's it. I have done marginally better on Big Fishing. I never seem to get to fish a hatch.
Silent Ocelot (from here on out, we will refer to him as SO) seemed to vanish around the same time Fish Sticks was banned and Silverfox departed. He was clearly a fan of Fish Sticks' message (please, this is not meant as rude or to start a fight. Fish Sticks had many good points and a good end goal. He just needed to talk about other stuff sometimes......) and I feel that he voluntarily stepped aside due to the nature of the site at the time and the banishment of Fish Sticks. Maybe I am wrong, but that is the way that I perceived it.

I'm glad that you all are vouching for him being a good dude. His internet personality could be a bit......abrasive.
That's why I do not have a Facebook account. We met up, share a common avocation and fish well together Another good thing about him is that he's a veteran . Fisherman, fly enthusiast, kind, American and veteran who enjoys a craft ale/beer. Sounds like a good combination of traits to me.
BTW if I didn't mind my friends being odd, occasionally caustic or having political view that are absolutely polar opposites of mine I would eat a frozen turkey dinner on Thanksgiving while sitting alone watching fly tying on YouTube!
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I agree with jifigz on the timing of the SO disappearance. Even though I don't agree with the "nativist" viewpoint, I did like reading SO's gear posts (maybe not the one where he was color coordinating his fly rod with his buddy's fly rod).
I miss Shane ie SO. I heard he had switched jobs. I had a blast fishing with him the one time we did. He can take alot of b-busting and is pretty quick to dish it out. I like that in a guy.
SO and I would PM'd each other a lot about fishing in general, gear and our passion for Formula 1.
I didn’t know about SO and Formula One racing. I’ll have to ask him next time we are in touch
In some circles he was also known as the Salmon River Pimp
The just call me Brookie ‘Ho.
When I first joined up on paflyfish SO was the first one to reach out and try to setup some fishing trips if I was ever in his area and always offered some good pointers for questions I had. Made the overall early on experience of this forum enjoyable. Overall good guy, miss seeing his posts. Hopefully he figures out his account issues and hops back in. He is most definitely an honorary member of the Dauphin County League of Chubsmen.