Kill the Gas Beast with Nuclear Power Now

About 1% of rockets that go up come down unexpectedly. Not a good percentage when loaded with nuclear waste. At least if you live in states with launch sites.
There is an article on the Huffington Post by Steven Chu, and the comment section is a great place to learn about the real and perceived threats of nuclear power. There are several people who work in nuclear power providing educated rebuttals and offering real scientific fact.

There are many extremely dedicated anti-nuclear posters who want solar, wind, tidal, and bio-char today, and aren't going to accept anything to the contrary. I thought at first they might be just paid comment shills, but I think they are authentic at this point. I believe that there is probably at least one nuclear physicist commenting.

Pull all the comments out by clicking the small: There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All link. The best fact is at the very end of all the ranting.

Nuclear energy
Brownout wrote:
There is an article on the Huffington Post by Steven Chu, and the comment section is a great place to learn about the real and perceived threats of nuclear power. There are several people who work in nuclear power providing educated rebuttals and offering real scientific fact.

There are many extremely dedicated anti-nuclear posters who want solar, wind, tidal, and bio-char today, and aren't going to accept anything to the contrary. I thought at first they might be just paid comment shills, but I think they are authentic at this point. I believe that there is probably at least one nuclear physicist commenting.

Pull all the comments out by clicking the small: There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All link. The best fact is at the very end of all the ranting.

Nuclear energy

Brownout, I am fortunate to have a great resource on the topic, my uncle. Now retired he has a PhD in Nuclear Engineering, was the general manager for construction of a nuclear plant, and was at the same time Chief Engineer for the power company that owns the plant. Early in his career he spent time at the national lab in Oak Ridge. Having many discussions on the topic with him convinces my we could duplicate the French model or more. There are several viable options in dealing with waste which we simply take off the table due to emotionally driven self imposed restrictions.

Edit: BTW he has a MSEE. Since I am an EE myself we have had many detailed discussions on alternative ways to generate electricity. This provides a bit of peer review on my own analysis of the practical application of wind and solar power generation.