Kettle Creek



New member
Apr 23, 2010
We are heading up to Cross Fork for our annual Kettle fishing trip next week. I was hoping some of you guys could tell me how kettle/Slate run are fishing. I am hoping to hit the start of the march browns. Thanks...
Thats what I was thinking. We usually make this trip mid may, but I'm sure some thing will happening. Are the Hendricksons and QG about done?
Thanks for info Brad. I hope to make it over to Pine and Slate run for a day. I can't wait, I love fishing that part of the state.
Probably too early for March Browns, but tHendricksons will be on.
I think way too early for March Browns. I fished the Kettle Creek basin for the past 3 days. Hendricksons, Blue Quills, caddis, and still black stoneflies.

Had a great day on Tuesday afternoon released 40-50 fish.
Lower Kettle (Clinton County) has very small trout. Average stockie this year was 8 or 9 inches. Should have kept those fish in the hatchery for another year. Caught lots that were stretching 7 inches including a few tiger trout. They may have come from a sportsmen club though.

Mostly just small caddis coming off.
I fished Kettle Creek last weekend. Blue quills were coming off near Ole Bull and the stockies were rising for them. Dry fly action is always welcome on the first outing of the season! The water is still cold and the tribs were a disappointment -- the wild browns didn't want to cooperate with me.

The First Fork didn't seem to have much insect activity on Sunday, but a cold drizzly rain was falling, so maybe that was it.

Last evening while starting on my 5 hour drive home I spotted a huge mama bear and 2 little cubs on the side of Route 144 near the Fish Creek overlook. All three were sporting ear tags.
The small streams are fishing like crap right now, but the "big waters" are much better. Sat at Cross Fork eating lunch on Friday watching trout rise in Kettle. Pine was on fire Friday (though crap again on Saturday). Lots of caddis, hendricksons, and QG. If you get a few days of consistently warm water this week, you'll have a smashing time this weekend.
The weather for the weekend is looking perfect, close to 70 starting Thurseday through Sunday. I hope to see a few good hatches but if not I just love being on those streams. I am taking 3 other guys that were never fly fished any of those streams up there.