Kettle Creek vs Loyalsock

henrydavid wrote:
Would either of you suggest a short "thru hike" or in from Rt. 220 and back out the same way ?

That short hike is from the park 'n ride just off 220 and takes about a half mile downhill through forest until you get to the abandoned railroad berm, then you follow the berm about two miles in.

It takes a good hour, maybe an hour and a half to get in and out.
The area directly around Haystack was seeing too much use and needed a break; hence the ban on camping IMHO. You can camp further upstream or downstream . For hikes, you could follow the Loyalsock Trail from the parking lot at 220 downstream however far you want to walk. Lots of Link trails (red X) that connect back to the LT too. Or if you want to travel a little bit of history, hike the old railroad bed that the LT follows above and below Haystacks. The LT drops back down to the Loyalsock, but the cut in the rock should make it obvious where the yrain went. It should eventually wind back to 220 at some point. I snowshoed about half the railroad grade mileage one winter.
salmonoid wrote:
I snowshoed about half the railroad grade mileage one winter.
I was wondering what nut left tire tracks in the snow to that parking lot...
Thanks guys, very helpful advice