Ketchum Release Tool



New member
Jul 4, 2008
Hello Everyone, I just wanted to let everyone know that I bought this tool yesterday and it worked pretty good today. I was looking for something that I could release the fish with and I think i found it; so far so good. The great thing about this product is that you don't even have to touch the fish. Just a minor flick of the wrist and off he goes. Anyone else use this tool?
Hey Brookie, I to have used the Ketchum Tool also and it worked great. It's nice to release a fish and not have to handle it in any way. However, I've lost my share of them also. Have just never been able to attach it to a lanyard or a retractor in a convenient place on my vest. I've lost 3 of them over the last few years and at 20 bucks a pop, it kinda hurts. I do wish Lamson would make the tool in bright colors and weighted so if you drop it in water you could see it easier and it would within a foot or two of where it came out of your hand. I now currently use a pair of Dr. Slick forceps with a Ketchum type tool built into them. They are powerful enoungh to pinch barbs down and the release tool works well so it does double duty very well.
I too have the Dr. Slicks hemos with the release tool.

However, I have only used the release thing twice, or should I say tried. It never worked for me, but I would like to try more often.
Have had mine for at least 8 years. It's on a zinger and has saved many fish and flies. Paid for itself over and over.