Hi everyone, I just got a kayak and I am interested in kayak fishing the Allegheny next year.
I'm planning to Target primarily Musky/Pike, and smallies. Are there any particular stretches of river that have better populations of those species? Especially Musky?
And, how manageable is it to fish the river on a kayak, assuming normal conditions.
Obviously this won't be something that I attempt till May/June, but I'm hoping to pick out some areas to target so I'm ready when the time comes.
Due the geology or geography (not sure when to use which. Maybe both apply) and cottage development, the Allegheny has unfortunately not great access. So here are the accesses and floats that I have done and am familair with to greatly differeing degrees.
Rt. 62 follows the River from Brokenstraw Creek between Warren and Youngsville. I've never floated this section down to Tidioute. 62 follows the bank of the river down to Hunter's Station golf course.
I'll start at Tidioute. There's an access just above the bridge on the town side. You can float this down to the Tionesta hatchery access, following 62 the whole way. There is another access down at the Lighthouse. This chunk hosts a BIG dredge pool; good for pike.
Presdient has a private launch at the church that is open to the public. Park in the church lot on the grass. It's 13 miles to Oil City. It's best if you take out at Justice Park (named after a family, not the concept of 'justice'.) It's been an aspiration of mine to have a closer access upstream from O.C., like Henry's Bend, Oleopolis or Walnut bend. Something. The abandoned VEnango Campus has an office manned by the former PAF&BC officer on recreational projects. There might be some hope there.
The pike/musky habitat isn't great here exept for the miles-long pool below Arhensville. Big rocks, weeds, depth and slow water here untill it picks-up below O.C. boat club/Horsecreek.
If I float from O.C. down, I put in at the janky, silted-in Marina (another example I point to when I'm critical of Expert stream and river projects) You put in at a 1+ mile weedy, deep, flat pool that is OK for pike. It was better, good even 20 years ago. But the lower gravel 'lip' of the pool has been eroded some. The pool level dropped a bit. The big weed beds that covered the un-dredged riverbed are now exposed, so the thick weeds that hosted pike is much diminished.
From here, you can take out at the Franklin Commission launch.
Franklin to Fisherman's Cove gets HAMMERED on weekends. Jack@$$es host tournaments, pumping ooodles of un-due fishing pressure on this one section of river. This is one reason why I long for more access for more reasonable floats. (OK< basically above O.C. Whatever. Paint me guilty) It's a 10 mile float.
If you have a kayak cart, some rope and a pulley (just a suggestion) you can access the river 1/2 way down. Driving down the pretty good dirt road "Astral Road" will put you next to the bike trail. there was a trail that I have used for 20 years that follows a well marked, eroded trail down river some along the bike trail. However, there have been several unfortunate falls of enormous river trees across the path just at the top of the river bank. People are starting to use/develop a path on the UPSTREAM side of the small stream that cuts a valley into the river. (you'll easily see all this when you get there a walk/look around a bit. It's obvious)
One of the best floats for pike/musky starts from Fisherman's Cove dowstream to the Kennerdell access. This is maybe a 6 mile float???. Kenerdell is a private access. I think there might be access at the Kenerdell bridge of Route 308 as part of the campground. I never did this, I just think it might be so.
I never floated below here. The big oxbow bends make for very steep slopes and bad access. You can get back on the river for floats from Emlenton down to where-ever. Again, I never floated this. I have fished it from a jet.
That's abot all I can say in a short format.