Kane Klassics

  • Thread starter salvelinusfontinalis
  • Start date


Active member
Sep 9, 2006
Does anyone have any experience with these guys and their bamboo rods? Curious to what you think.


Don't know anything about Kane. If you looking to buy a boo, check out http://bamboorods.net/index.html from chambersburg.
Thanks Tom.

I do like the sound of a few of those rods. I did end up purchasing one of kane Klassics rods. Then again when you get the chance to purchase a 1300 dollar boo for 400, you should probably just do it ;-)

I'll keep dream catcher in mind.
Best of luck with the rod Sal. Sounds like an awesome deal.

If curious in other rods, don't forget Downes Rods. He's right in Coburn and you can go up to his shop, ask any questions and cast all you want.

Doug Kulik is a good guy to talk to. He's essentially an All American inventor type guy and his signature bamboo pack rods are his signature product. He has a plane and if you get to know him well, you can fly with him up to places like Hot Creek.

How did you steal that rod for 400? What size is it?
I got the impression that Doug is a really cool guy when we spoke on the phone.

They made some 1pc 6 foot bamboo rods with a canned handle for the fly- fishing shows and this was the last one left over. My guess is since it was not made to order they wanted to move it fast. He did mention they do these types of deals sometimes to help drum up new business. It worked. I think I'm going to have Doug make a 8' 4/5wt in the near future for me.
Nice Sal! You've reached the point of no return....selling your plastic rods for custom boo. No turning back now. Good luck on your journey.