Just wanted to say hello again



Active member
Jun 29, 2011
Hey guys. For those who thought I died or was abducted by aliens, I'm here to dispel those rumors. My company was sold last year and changes have been fast and furious and kept me very busy with travel and such. Did not get to do as much fishing in the fall or winter as I usually do but really looking forward to the spring. Hopefully I'll get to get on the water with some of you again real soon.

Good to hear from you George. Get a hold of me when you are up this way again
Hey George, I was assuming aliens. Lets get out and fish.

I thought he was an alien all this time so....
WOW, he lives. I thought you were abducted by aliens at some point before you disappeared! LOL Just kidding, great to have you back George. We have to get together and fish again.
Second Fox sighting for me inside a week. Had one darting about the snow last Friday on the hillside behind me office. Good to hear from ya George.
Welcome back. Hope to get a chance to fish with you sometime this summer
Hey Fox

Thought you had returned to the mother-ship!

Holler when you'd like to hit the water

Hey George,

Good to hear from you. Hope all is going well for you.
welcome back to the jungle

I see what you did there.