Just in case anyone wants to feel really old

Yes, and Jeff Fabian. I think that correct.
Funny that you found that. This year Paflyfish celebrates 30 years. I'm starting to work in a blog post to cover a little of the start back in 1995.

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Bought my first license 65 years ago, so I’m old but still flyrodding regularly.
My first license purchase was 1979. Guess that puts me in the old category and some mornings I feel it.
First license 1969. Now I don't need one, in my home state at least.
I probably got my first Pa. Non-resident license in 74-75. It's painful to think about what it cost today!😞
My first license was in 1953 when I turned 16. I remember shocking a field of corn to get money for a hunting license and a box of shotgun shells. GG
I probably got my first PA non-resident license in 1969 as well. I grew up in Phillipsburg and the mouth of the Bushkill by Getter's island was 1/2 mile away, easy walking distance. Anything that swims could be caught there. Snapping turtle guys "fished" there as well. BTW, the Bushkill was the closest larger trout stream to my home and my closest fishing buddies were from PA so I sort of considered it my home stream. However, I commonly got the stinkeye when people saw my NJ plates which was funny since I probably lived closer than 75% of the PA people fishing there. Divide between PA and NJ was deep back then.