Just How Popular Is This

Yes Science too, that and researching all politicians on the www before voting'
littlejuniata wrote:
Was in store the other day and there were 6 or 7 Fantasy Football mags and only one fly fishing magazine??

Yes but in April how many Fly Fishing magazines vs. fantasy football. This stuff is all seasonal. That said the number of people playing fantasy footbal dwarfs the number of people fly fishing.
Would have been better to play Fantasy Football than the stock market!!
littlejuniata wrote:
Would have been better to play Fantasy Football than the stock market!!

Don't forget about the $1-$2 no limit hold'em game at borgata. Yum, Yum. It's a poor college student's dream if he's willing to put forth the effort to learn the game correctly.

Stocks are my next endeavor.

All this while winning the fantasy league for the second straight year, of course!

Some of us just like a little competition. I choose not to compete in any way at fly fishing because it's too special to me, but I think there are some posters in this thread that lack the competitive spirit.
jay: I will quit my lifetime sport before I compete in fly fishing, competition goes against all the qualities that make the sport so special.
That's how I feel.

Fly fishing... it's different.

I guess you could call it a way of life, huh.

Looks like we found something to agree on in this thread!
Right, that is why I feel the poor folks in clubs like Spring Ridge are absolutely clueless when it comes to the traditional and correct meanig of fly fishing.