Just How Popular Is This



Active member
Sep 16, 2006
Was in store the other day and there were 6 or 7 Fantasy Football mags and only one fly fishing magazine??
Yeah, people want fantasy sports and "reality" TV. Go figure. Unless they're all idiots, which just might be the case.
I agree.

Like I always say, the world is full of idiots, ... and there goes one.
Very popular and very fun. The reason you see so many mags right now is that it is draft time. Everyone is out there drafting the teams. Great excuse to go to the bar....
I'll be defending my title this season. It's a good excuse to trash talk all winter and it makes boring games fun, since somebody usually has a player in every game.

I'd like to think I'm not an idiot, but I'm open to any and all criticism... I guess....

Like Bruno said, it gets popular around draft time.

He's also right about it being pretty fun.
Fantasy football is like fantasy dating, it's never gone to happen so why bother. Someone must be making money on it, othewise it wouldn't be so popular.
I hate football anyway so it doesn't matter to me, but if I were to bother to watch any football it cuts into the best fishing of the year. So to me football is something I ignore.

"why bother[?]"

The same reasons you watch movies, read books, etc. Entertainment. I don't profess to feel like an NFL star when I play... It's not even about fantasizing about being a player. It's about making an already interesting game more fun to watch.

Of course someone's making money on it. Welcome to America.
I apologize for insinuating that anyone who likes fantasy sports or reality TV is an idiot. It just makes no sense to me. Fantasy football is not football, and reality TV is far from being real. And the best reason I know to go to a bar is to talk fishing with my friends.
Apology accepted.

If they took the word "fantasy" out of the name, this would all be moot. Do you even know how it works?

You just pick players for a team and then your team gets points based on the players' weekly stats. You can make as much or as little of it as you want. The only valid comparison between fantasy sports and reality TV is the use of antonyms in their names.

Going to the bar to talk fishing is tough when you're in a college in a major US city. I have one friend in college that I fish with (he's a spin angler). A quick search for fly fishing on a social networking site for my college returns one other result. Gotta expand the horizons and have a little fun in my opinion. Aside from a few friends back in the hometown, all other fishing friends were met through this site.

Ironically, I just got yelled at by roommates because I might go fishing on fantasy draft day. Haha.
No need to apologize, my wife says I'm an idiot daily, and I happen to like fantasy football. Makes all the games interesting if you ask me. It gets boring rooting for the Eagles and Browns to lose every week :-D !!


Personally, I'm not "into sports" I can't directly participate in. I just don't get that excited about rooting for anyone making 3.6 million a year, doing not much more than bumping into other people on a large grassy area. Several men, work very hard, to give another man a little ball, so ANOTHER group of men, can beat the crap out of him and try and take it away!?! This "Reality T.V." people fall for, spawned the likes of Jessica Simpson, so that ALONE should end THAT argument, I'd think?!
As someone once so brilliantly stated.................. "Golf..............is a good walk..........spoiled", was really smart...but at least golfers, like we fishermen, participate directly in the sport they love. We don't sit on the sidelines, wearing out sofa cushions, being "wannabes" like those they watch.
But, like almost everything, there IS a "good side" to such things! Namely, the MORE there are, of those that sit and watch...........the LESS there are, out there on the streams and lakes creating crowds and leaving their beer cans and $3.00 a shot plastic bottles of tap water, littered all over the place!?!!
As for the number of magazines, per ratio of other reading materials......... that's always baffled me as well!! Considering there are more books in print and more books that have been written over time about flyfishing, than have ever been written on any other topic, one would think, anyway, that at least a few mags would make the newsstands occasionally!?
Maybe, it's because "sex" and "football", being equal fantasies.......... just garner more "wishful thinkers" than our sport?
I don't see what good is accomplished by questioning others' passtimes. If I had a nickle for everytime I heard comments about why people fish and don't keep them, I'd have the kids college costs taken care of. I never got into fantasy sports as I just don't have the time. However, unless the Steelers are playing, I have a hard time watching a football game as much as I enjoy watching football-- I have nothing invested. If I cared about what happened because it effected my fantasy football entries, I could enjoy more time relaxing in the winter on my easy chair. As it is, when I'm not fishing or tying or watching the Steelers, I end up watching Godfather for the umpteenth time on TBS.
Well, my idiot comment wasn't aimed at fantasy football so much as at people in general. :lol:

Bruno said: "Great excuse to go to the bar." That is a matter of perspective. I have a brother-in-law who loves Fantasy Football. Recently his wife had a minor emergency involving one of their kids and needed to find him. She couldn't reach him at his office. As it turned out, he had been secretly skipping work every Friday to go to the bar to talk fantasy football. Real smart.

I guess fantasy football is like anything else. It is OK in moderation, but I know of a couple people who take it way to serious.

Now this Reality TV thing. Is it OK to call them idiots? :-D
Even more surprising, when you Google both the football count is way higher than fly fishing. Here is a history. Wonder how much of his praticipation is done while at work? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fantasy_football_%28American%29#History
Most companies have their own leagues, so alot of it is done at work. Probably about the same amount of PAFF posting that is done at work. ;-)

I agree with every facet of Jack's statement, by the way.
D&D for guys that used to beat up other kids because they played D&D. :-D :-D :-D

Boyer :lol:

*Management is not responsible for the ramblings of this idiot.*
Boyer took the words out of my mouth. D&D for sports nerds so says Howard Stern. :lol:
I didn't do it til I started my job last year. We have a big office pool where everyone throws in $20 and the top 3 get a share of the overall pot. The partners encourage it too because it helps everyone interact in a non work related manner and allows us to make better friendships with our coworkers because you really don't have to know anything about football to be able to participate in it. The person who won our championship last year selected her players based upon who she thought was "good looking".

Its a fun time and it definitely makes the boring games interesting and worth watching.