just have to post about this

flipnfly, your too funny.
I have to say it was a lot easier to read with a little structure to the posting.

Thanks for keeping your sense of humor and re-doing the post!

Fishidiot wrote:
That was tough to read. I couldn't get through it.

Ditto. I mean I got the jest of it but damn. It hurt me to read it. But, I guess it could'a been worse.... It could'a been in txt language.....
flipnfly wrote:
i hate punctuating always did buit heres what i left out ...,,,""..!!!?....,,,,,,,,...... i hope i got them all you guys can put them where you want them

That was pretty good! That's a keeper right there!
flipnfly wrote:
ok here goes since i went back and read it and it was tough and i am awake at 6 am on a sunday i took the liberties of placing punctuation im sure some of it is wrong (this is PAFF not 10th grade english) you guys are going to have to live with it !!!

So, last week or so, I was reading I think it was here about the big box stores such as the world’s foremost outfitter and stores of the like.

There were a few posts in this thread of people saying that some people here are just out for the deal and with this economy, I understand that point totally.

But what just happened to me was, I called my local fly shop the “international angler” and told them about a problem I have been having with the wading boots I had bought less than a year from them he said bring em in and we'll work something out.

When I got there ,they no longer had the boot I had so he hand me a pair of Simms freestone boots, in a size 14 turns out they were too small.

I jumped up to a size 16 tried them on with a neoprene sock they fit nicely and with a little extra room for extra socks (which is a huge plus come steelhead season) then he says give me 20$ for the boots, which is the difference between my exchange and the new boot.

I reach for my wallet and it’s gone! I was so bummed out at that point in time, knowing I’m going to try to go hit the water tomorrow he said “don’t worry about it until you can get back out this way “ and on top of it they were going to allow me to have new studs put in and pay when I come back in, not to mention that he removed my old studs and put them in the new boots too .

That there is just another reason why will be going back there, they are willing to help when a big box store is strictly cash and carry.

I would like to add that these boots were .05 cents cheaper at the fly shop than bass pro and are the same at cabelas so how much
is one really saving and who is actually saving with service like that ....
Yes, the paragraph breaks and punctuation make it much easier to read.

The posts about the punctuation and sentence breaks weren't mean spirited. They offered useful information.

If you punctuate and use paragraph breaks, it's easy to read. If you run everything together, it's very hard to read.
This thread is hilarious!
Glad too hear the people at Angler treated you good, they've always been good to me too.

Now, if only some the people on this forum allowed you to have a good experience here...

Rest assured there are still a lot of good people on here even though the jackasses are much more interested in critiquing grammar.

We may as well get all the posting advice in at one time.

In the title of the post, write something that gives information about the subject of the post.

For example: "International Angler's Great Service" or "Great Fly Shop Service" or "Very Helpful Fly Shop" or something like that.

The title "just have to post about this" gives the reader no idea what the post is about.

you know I have to say I read the whole first post and didnt notice that there was no punctuation or sentence structure till I started to read further down on the page and then when I looked back I did notice that there were a few missing periods and such but all and all it still made sense to while reading it both times I would have to say then that english wasnt my strong suit in high school but then I dont remember if I had any strong suits like math or reading or expexilailly speeliiling oh well just wanted to point that a missing period here or there does not an unreadable or enjoyable post make
troutbert wrote:
We may as well get all the posting advice in at one time.

In the title of the post, write something that gives information about the subject of the post.

For example: "International Angler's Great Service" or "Great Fly Shop Service" or "Very Helpful Fly Shop" or something like that.

The title "just have to post about this" gives the reader no idea what the post is about.


I too hate these teaser titles too. I believe many times the poster wants reader to click on the thread just to find out what the subject is, but it may actually work in reverse since many of us disregard threads with teaser titles.

On here, for me, the title really doesn't matter much since I read every thread anyway.
after getting to know and fishing with flipnfly a good handful of times ive realized that not putting any punctuation in his sentences is just who he is it's a mess but it's like telling me to keep my fly tying table clean it's impossible to change someone i don't mind though cause flip is an awesome fisherman and a great guy to fish the erie tribs with because he's so big we can bully ourselves into any hole and then put a fish push on and catch a ton of fish to each his own whens that wedding

the wedding is september 29th is the new baby here yet?
it just humors me (it really does) that on a fishing forum site

you get people that sit and pick through a positive post....(yes theres 4 periods there in that ellipsis)

i do admit i did ramble a bit but who doesn(missing apostrophe)t on here

so to all you trolls please stop haning on everyones word and go back in your holes

ohh and +1 for fly tying fred
Flips original reply was STILL Mastercard type priceless!
This whole thread was priceless. Nello, we gotta get out on the water sometime. Hey, you could bring your new boots!
