junkier than the junkiest egg fly.



Well-known member
Oct 7, 2007
i'm sure many of you have done this already.

i often have a disdain for junk flies,but also get excited about them.

last night, thinking of steel,i took a piece of cerise chenille that was kind of fluffy,and tyed it to the hook with an overhand knot.no tying thread involved ,just the chenille.

then i took the tag ends and formed a loop with one and wrapped the other around it three times like the beginning of a basic clinch knot.

believe it or not,the chenille becomes more spherical than you get by simply wrapping it on a hook and securing it with thread.i would imagine you could alter the size by wrapping more times or using different widths of chenille.

i don't know how moral this fly is,but you could tye about ten in a minute.

if anyone has heard of this procedure before,let me know!!!

otherwise i'll change my name to clouser gartside troth whitlock mc tysie doodle.
Wait, that's not your name?
We need pictures!
What Maurise said.
i will try to get my hands on a camera!
shakey wrote:
i will try to get my hands on a camera!

Dear shakey,

Better make sure it's a digital camera.

Knowing you, you'll take a real picture with film and it will be a year or two until you get it developed and scanned into digital form to post! ;-)


Tim Murphy :)
ha! you know me too well!