Juniata River WW JAM! August 2 - 4, 2024

Great, Dave!!

Since Josh is now a fancy Euro trout guy, there will be at least two "Warmwater Insurgents" in attendance at the J-Jam!!
Great, Dave!!

Since Josh is now a fancy Euro trout guy, there will be at least two "Warmwater Insurgents" in attendance at the J-Jam!!
Ha, I did start dipping my toes into the Euro-Game, didn't I? Since I am a small stream dude, the majority of my trout fishing is still traditional casting of fly lines with dries and whatnot, though.

I went trout fishing this morning. It was fun.
You bet Afish!
We'll learn the young fella outa his misguided ways and get him back on duh right track.
Hi Josh,
I would like to attend and bring a friend or two. This will be the first jam for me, so I am looking forward to meting some of the folks behind the names.
Sounds good. Attendance is growing..
The OP talks about a dish to share. What meal/day is that?
I plan to be there the whole weekend, Friday mid-day to Sunday afternoon.
Thank you for hosting!
The OP talks about a dish to share. What meal/day is that?
I plan to be there the whole weekend, Friday mid-day to Sunday afternoon.
Thank you for hosting!
Who knows when we will share what you bring. It's very low key and laid back. We kind of scavenge and eat whatever. I will cook chicken thighs one night and probably burgers another. I will also try to provide breakfast Saturday morning.

A better food schedule will be posted by me in a couple weeks as we draw closer to the time.