Jujubee Midge



Active member
Feb 17, 2011
With the onset of the winter solstice, I figured I would give this little jujubee midge a try.

Hook- sz 20 TMC 2487BL
Thread - GSP 75 - White for under-body, and GSP 75 Black for thorax/head.
Body/Rib - Super Hair (2 brown, 1 black, wrapped to thorax)
Wing/Case - White DNA

Input or advice appreciated...



  • Jujubee Midge b.jpg
    Jujubee Midge b.jpg
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  • Jujubee Midge 2b.jpg
    Jujubee Midge 2b.jpg
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Great tie Zen. I would suggest a little sparser on the dna.
One of my favorite flies. I tie them in green and chartreuse too.
Nice tie.
nice tie good proportions, just as Utah said a little sparser on the DNA though
Thank you guys! I agree that I need to cut back on the DNA. I am finding that taking pictures of my first few is very beneficial, as it shows me things that I do not notice on the table. In addition, other patterns I have seen have the wings off to the side a bit more.
Nice tie, after I finish filling my bugger box it's on to midges. I will have give that a try.

Thanks FFJ,
I have to admit, the brown super hair is more translucent than I anticipated. I'm not sure why, but I expected it to be more visible. Wrapping the 3 strands of super hair together was the most challenging part of the fly for me, but it wasn't bad at all. I'm really beginning to enjoy tying the smaller flies.
Nice fly. I'd like to tie a few, what's a good substitute for the DNA material? Thanks

boychick wrote:
Nice fly. I'd like to tie a few, what's a good substitute for the DNA material? Thanks


Thank you, bc. I think white flouro fiber (fibre) would be a good substitute if you have that. Others here may know better substitutes, but I think that would work.
Nice job, zen. I'm sure Charlie Craven would approve.

Flourofibre is what the original pattern calls for. For anyone that wants to view the tutorial on this pattern, here's a link to Charlie Craven's website.
Thank You, HA! Looking at that, I definitely used too much DNA. I will have to try it with some other colors as well.

BTW, I had the day off on this beautiful day and fished this little guy and managed to bring a couple small wild browns to hand. :)
That's great to hear zen. Charlies jujubees are certainly producers.
zenherper wrote:
I have to admit, the brown super hair is more translucent than I anticipated. I'm not sure why, but I expected it to be more visible.

zen - I ran into the same problem. There is a brown, and a dark brown color of super hair. I found some dark brown a couple of years ago at the Somerset show. Doing a google search, I found some here.

I'll also share some with you - as I'm sure you know, one hank is a lifetime supply (times ten) for juju's. :)
HA, that would explain it. I thought the brown looked darker on the tutorial that I saw. Thank you for the offer, but the local TCO has some I can pick up for a couple bucks. I wanted to pick up a couple other colors anyway. You are a truly kind man.
Zen, I have had good luck with a Ronald Mcdonald Jujubee. Thats red and yellow. Some days it works like gangbusters.
JohnnyUtah wrote:
Zen, I have had good luck with a Ronald Mcdonald Jujubee. Thats red and yellow. Some days it works like gangbusters.

Thanks for the tip! I'll give it a try.