john arway



Active member
Dec 30, 2009
John Arway, had a chance to meet "this gentleman", What is evident, a well mannered man. A man of wisdom, honesty and virtue. I would feel Pa. has the right person in the right place. I am sure his hands are tied with policy he can not undo. Fishermen, unite. Do not let John down. John is for the betterment of the sport and do not think, for one minute, he, willingly will let you down. The clowns with the hats will let you down.

John Arway Pa. Fish Commission Champion
Unfortunately Arway is no longer the PAFB commissioner. He as be subsequently been replaced by Tim Schaeffer.
Thanks for the kind words maxima12. I retired on Nov 2nd after 38+ years with the PFBC. I tried my best to get the legislature to act on some form of revenue increase— consumptive use water fee, a portion of the state sales tax, gasoline tax and Marcellus Shale Impact fee. We were successful with the gasoline tax and impact fee which slowed the proverbial bleed since pensions and health care costs continued to exponentially rise with static or declining revenues from fishing license and boat registration fees. So it became obvious to me and our Board after reducing staff from 432 to 376 people, we needed to go back to the funding model of increasing fishing license fees with the knowledge that we should expect an 8 to 10 percent loss in sales and participation based on market performance with prior fee increases.

I pushed as hard as I could and used a model that worked for former DER Secretary Maurice Goddard when he threatened to close state parks in legislative districts where members did not support providing the funding to keep state parks open. That worked for Dr. Goddard but didn’t work for me. I believe that the reason for that is because the sportsmen and conservation community in general had a much more powerful voice in the Abele and Goddard days. Legislators in leadership positions were actually active in Sportsmen’s groups like the PFSC. They fished and hunted and understood the importance of providing funding for conservation and recreation. Today’s legislators do not.

Therefore, I felt it was time to pass the torch to someone else with a new playbook since I ran out plays in mine. Tim Schaeffer is the new PFBC Executive Director and could use the support to grab the legislature’s attention. Otherwise, we will continue to become less and less relevant in discussions.

I just returned from 2 weeks deer hunting throughout Penns Woods and am now one of you again. I plan to do the same thing as RWA once said at his retirement dinner and that is to hover above the clouds and swoop down from time to time when I believe I can make a difference. In the meantime I will be spending more time with family and friends since I would much rather be lost in Penns Woods or on Penns Waters than found at an office in Harrisburg!

Tight Lines,

thanks john see you on the water sometime

Enjoy being retired. It is someone else's turn.

You were a fine Ex. Director and did a ton of good for the FBC. I think you would have gotten a raise if legislators had not tied a raise for the FBC to one for the pgc, which has forgotten who its constituents are.

Anyhow, thank you for the good things you accomplished, and many good wishes for you as a fellow retiree.

>>I just returned from 2 weeks deer hunting throughout Penns Woods and am now one of you again. I plan to do the same thing as RWA once said at his retirement dinner and that is to hover above the clouds and swoop down from time to time when I believe I can make a difference. In the meantime I will be spending more time with family and friends since I would much rather be lost in Penns Woods or on Penns Waters than found at an office in Harrisburg!>>

There you go.. Excellent! Whether it is weighing in on an issue of importance, spontaneously deciding to try a new piece of water or simply showing up for lunch someplace you have a standing invitation but not necessarily a current appointment..:), I can highly recommend this post-retirement swooping stuff....

Enjoy every minute. I'll see you out there at some point...


You were a champion for PA anglers and PA fish populations. Good luck in your retirement and thanks for many years ago coming to the Perkiomen Valley TU meeting for a presentation. I think it was before you were appointed exec director. Be well in retirement.
Mr Arway, thanks for the many years of service with the Commission. Enjoy your retirement with your family, you certainly earned it. Have a great Holiday!
Can't believe all to say is thanks. Thanks for what, You thank the waitress, paperboy, gas attendant and just about everyone around you. how about this. Thank you for a future. Thank you brother for a new beginning. Thank you for you. Thank you from me. You fly guys had 30 years of promises of wild trout, Regulations, Limit, stream improvement, building a better fishing heritage.

For gods sake; sure are glad the bait guys, mothers, fathers and sons, sisters and brothers are here to support all of your efforts. Since we are few, how is it we determine what is good.

You got it. You will not disclose fishing location's to beginner's. Did not know the fish were yours. You can keep them for yourself. Brother's and sister's. Is this all you got? Hope you wake up and discover fishing is for everyone. Why not give to all that are worthy, when purchasing a license. The ability to fish anywhere in Pa.

I fly fish anywhere, everywhere. The bait boy's can't go to your flyfishing only. When are you going to learn your way has been forgotten.

This is why you dislike the maxima12. Fishing is for all not the few.

I say free yourself of the burden and start to share what will set you free. NOTHING BETTER THAN SEE SOMEONE CATCH A FISH. Sends jitters all through my loins.


what is going on here?

Can't believe all to say is thanks. Thanks for what, You thank the waitress, paperboy, gas attendant and just about everyone around you. how about this. Thank you for a future. Thank you brother for a new beginning. Thank you for you. Thank you from me. You fly guys had 30 years of promises of wild trout, Regulations, Limit, stream improvement, building a better fishing heritage. For gods sake; sure are glad the bait guys, mothers, fathers and sons, sisters and brothers are here to support all of your efforts. Since we are few, how is it we determine what is good. You got it. You will not disclose fishing location's to beginner's. Did not know the fish were yours. You can keep them for yourself. Brother's and sister's. Is this all you got? Hope you wake up and discover fishing is for everyone. Why not give to all that are worthy, when purchasing a license. The ability to fish anywhere in Pa. I fly fish anywhere, everywhere. The bait boy's can't go to your flyfishing only. When are you going to learn your way has been forgotten. This is why you dislike the maxima12. Fishing is for all not the few. I say free yourself of the burden and start to share what will set you free. NOTHING BETTER THAN SEE SOMEONE CATCH A FISH. Sends jitters all through my loins. maxima12
