>>my honest feeling is that they act much more like spokesmen for the very businesses they are supposed to be regulating.>>
The feeling, in this case, is almost certainly the reality as well. At both the Federal and State levels, there is a revolving door of sorts where depending on who holds political power, a lot of the people who regulate the industries are the same folks who used to work in the industry in question. And vice versa. This makes a certain amount of pragmatic sense, but it also tends to color the regulatory decisions to a degree.
Someone said above that Arway is acting in the manner that his "boss" (ostensibly the Governor) wants him to act. I find this fallacious. The ED of the PF&BC is not a direct report to anybody in Commonwealth government. He is chosen by and is a direct report to and serves at the pleasure of the Commissioners. The governor has the power to set his compensation, but so far as I am aware, he cannot fire him or otherwise exercise the sort of control or discipline that is a normal part of the employee/employer relationship.
Or so my understanding of the thing goes.
In any event, my confidence in John is rooted in having known him for a long time and observing him in the various positions he has held with the Commission. If he is in this for any other reason than what he stated in his Angler column or for personal gain at the expense of PA's aquatic resources, everybody better go out and buy a Kevlar reinforced umbrella because all the flying pigs are going to make it dangerous to be outside, especially at low light periods like when the sun comes up in the West....