Jaw dropper brown



Well-known member
Oct 17, 2007


The more I read about NZ the more I like. Big Salmon, big trout, pristine spring creeks, Large moutain rivers they have it all. Only issue everything but the fish is poisonous and theres some big arse eels that wanna eat you while you wade. Definatly on the bucket list though. Gosh I have to get out of PA more geeeze.
trike23 wrote:
The more I read about NZ the more I like. Big Salmon, big trout, pristine spring creeks, Large moutain rivers they have it all. Only issue everything but the fish is poisonous and theres some big arse eels that wanna eat you while you wade. Definatly on the bucket list though. Gosh I have to get out of PA more geeeze.

No snakes,no bears etc. Mosquito's,sand flies,nothing else. Eels are not a problem in my experience. Best beer in the world. GG
Caught on a trico!
That sucker would have made it to my wall
I was thinking: SMOKER! GG
I was thinking: SMOKER! GG
Best beer? Really? Please elaborate.
Yes I would like to know more about the beer also. Homebrewing is my second hobby only takes back seat to fishing.
GG a troot that large isn't Kosher for smoking, unless you smoked the whole thing and made smoked monster troot dip, with a Cajun twist. Or if FD had birdhouses made by the Amish Ghost steelhead fisherman.
Best beer; it's a matter of taste and opinion. I personally think its the best. Water there is really good hence great beer. I can drink a lot of it and no headaches. They make a "black" beer that's really good. Looks like tar, goes down sweet.

If you can find any at a local beer dist. give it a try. Pa. may not have any so NY or NJ, etc might be a place to check. Steinlager is fairly common. Moa is a new "craft" 'Ive seen. Best deal is to go over and fish and enjoy the whole country. My favorite place.

I can make some good troot dip. That monster probably would taste like a nasty carp from the Allegheny near the Schnley Plant. GG