


Active member
Sep 13, 2006
I had a great weekend visiting with Jamboree attendees and some good fishing under very poor conditions. We all caught some fish, but streams were very low and some like Pine Creek were warm. Thankfully there were some showers in the area and water levels didn't drop any further. An inch of rain was predicted for last night and hopefully things will improve in June.
There were still a lot of flies hatching and over the water, and brookies were taking them, but they were quite selective.
All I want to ask is where are the pictures of the jam? I want to see what I missed, I'm sure it was a great time. Chaz, good to hear you had a good time.
Ol' Festus is pleased to hear that a good time was had by all. I kinda figgered you folks would enjoy the trip. Just wish we woulda had had some water. I was really looking forward to getting to meet everyone and to get out to do a little fishing with some of you. Unfortunately, I brought home a terrible case of bronchitus from a turkey hunting trip and was down but good with it the entire weekend. The muggy weather made breathing extremely difficult. In fact, today is the first I've been up and around since Saturday morning.

Thanks for saving me some fish. Hopefully I'll get out this month to get some fishing done.
Here's my Jamboree debriefing. I'll type it like I'm tired because I am. The campgrounds were a disappointment. Maintenance of the grounds was needed. The camper we rented was a dump. But, still better than having to pitch a tent. Use of the Pavillion, however, was a big bonus. At the risk of leaving someone unmentioned (remember, I'm tired) I enjoyed re-aquainting with Maurice, fly-n-ice, Chaz, Jack Steel, Bruno, ryanh, his father, Bill, Christian, Tom Gamber and meeting anew Jay, MattBoyer, Jim, Tom, sandfly, his friend George. I may remember a few others later today.

The fishing was tough throughout the day because of low and clear conditions. We fished Pine, Oswayo, Allegheny River, Kettle, and on the way home Fishing Creek and Spruce. Oswayo had some nice wild fish that we saw but didn't catch either because we spooked them or otherwise. It gave up a few smaller wild ones. The Alleghey River had a mixture of wild and stocked trout. And we caught our share of both. On advice of sandfly we hit Pine at the upper DH area below Ansonia Sat. and Sun. nights and hit a nice evening rise both times that brought some very heavy trout to the surface for feeding. Catching just one of these would have made the evening a success, but we caught several each. Kettle was very low, but still pretty fishable. It gave up some natives and stocked trout, a bass and a crappie as well. Fishing Creek schooled us, but there were Green Drakes coming off and some large stoneflies. The trout were in the pockets and willing to strike and/or inspect and refuse. I failed to hook up with many nice trout that were responding to the presentation, but either refusing at the last moment or biting and spitting too quickly for my abilities. I did land one small brown. Spruce was in excellent shape and we all caught fish. Gino had a bonanza, land quite a few, including a large brownie. Both he and Santino met the "Spruce Creek Steelhead" but neither got to land them.

I have some pictures and Brandon has some to e-mail me. When they're ready, I'll post them here. Despite the disappointment with our accomodations, the Jam was a great success, I thought, but I'll put my vote up now for returning to Coburn next year. If you missed out, try to join us next year. As you can see from the posts from the new folks, it really is a welcoming and worthwhile experience.
Jack, I saw flynice take some pics on sat night also...maybe put out an APB for any Jam pics taken by those who attended...I, despite having my camera in the car, took none...shame on me. But if others did I would love to see them.
I can agree with all of those sentiments.

As you've probably seen, my report is in the "now hear this" thread. Overall, great time.
At first I was going to disagree w/ Jack thinking that he was a little too harsh....But my trailor WAS a dump and the water WAS warm and I DID catch smallies and sunfish in a trout stream. It was what it was, freestone fishing in a dry year in June.

I do think JayL hit the nail on the head with his word of the day. Something about being in trout country with people of like mind is cool.
I am putting a page together of the pics I took...it may tak a while...I have so many pictures.

Stay tuned.

My stay was less dramatic than Ryan and Jacks...except for the water in the shower being cold, my trailer was like a hotel room.

$41/nt for four guys...ya git what ya pay fer.

Maurice wrote:
...ya git what ya pay fer.


Unfortunately, we got less than what we paid for, which is the only reason I'm complaining a bit. And, there was only one Taj Mahal for rent. I'm a cheapskate and all, but if I would have been told I could rent a clean servicable trailer for $15 more than an old, rotting, partially disfunctional, trailer, equipped with a sink with rotten egg smelling water, ants, a 6 inch skillet and a can of lemon-scented air freshner, I would have sprung for the more expensive digs. That said, we had a great time, stayed warm and dry during Sunday night's rainstorm, and had direct and easy access to the pavillion and the bathhouse, despite having to bust brush to get there via the steps. But I'm not bitter.
I got there late...drank too much wine saturday night...hit a ok hatch sat night and an incredible hatch sunday night...did some exploring on my own...Actually caught a brookie in the creek at camp. Pine is the "bug factory", as Jack refers to it, it is said to be. Would have preferred cooler water or more options for alternative fishing less than an hour away...but it was cool. The road rally on saturday was actually more of a hindrance than the low water, since I couldn't even get to a couple streams that were close alternatives to check them out. I tented it sunday night, during what sounded like camping under a waterfall, but stayed pretty dry. I used Jacks camper, after he left for a last change of clothing, he's right...it was a dump. I liked my tent better. Caught rainbows, brookies and browns...a few chubs...and perhaps a cold from fishing in the rain sunday night, jury's still out. But I would not have left the water that night for any reason, any earlier. The only real reason I left when I did was because I forgot my headlamp and my leader was a mess. It was an amazing hour or two of fishing. I even enjoyed the drive to and from. Would I want another jam there in the near future? I think not...maybe after a long break. Thanks to everyone who pointed me in the right directions to fish...

I caught two brookies at camp. They are stocked by a sportsman's club.... Now the one I caught in the canyon, I think may have been wild. Anyone know if they stock them there?
Sheesh. Now I not only feel bad for not making the Jam, but I feel bad because you guys feel cheated. I've been pointing people from all over the nation to Kenshire for alot of years and never had a single complaint. I'm going to see if I can get ya's a refund.

Maybe I shoulda recommended the Penn Wells Hotel in Wellsboro @$105 a night. :-(

Better Digs
I'm not looking for a refund as I only paid slightly more than I would have for a camp site, but I do feel that they should do a little maintenance on campers they plan to rent and also on the other common facilities at the campground. I can most assuredly opine that Petticote Junction in Cedar Run and Hemlock Acres in Coburn both seem to be better maintained and operated facilities. It's just an opinion, nothing more.
I had a great time as well. I did have an experience fishing my way home the following morning. I woke around 5 am Sunday and started driving south down along kettle creek. I stopped at day break to fish for an hour or so before finishing the drive home. Well i caught a couple of smallies and was having a fine time when a huge black bear walked outta the woods to take a drink. He was about thirty yards away. He looked my way sniffed and walked back into the woods.

I admit it scared me a bit.

The campground was a little steep. They charged me 35 bucks so I could sleep in the back of my truck for two nights.
Wow. Two bear incidents in one jam. What are the odds.
I'm not looking for a refund as I only paid slightly more than I would have for a camp site,

Nope nope nope. Can't have it. I'm gonna get ya's a refund even if I have to take it out of my own pocket. :-o

You guys noticed the bears huh? There's more of them then there are deer in these parts.Didja's run into any StikDogs?
As promised, I can update the group on how things were at Coburn this weekend. On Friday, I drove in from New Jersey, where I had a business meeting, stopping at Fishing Creek near Lamar. My Dad and I fished there for a couple of hours. Water was low and clear with surprisingly little bug activity. I managed only one brown on a beadhead pheasant tail. We got driven off the stream at 6:30 by a thundershower. We drove back to Coburn with the intention to drop off my gear and get some dinner, but by the time we got to Penns the skies had cleared, so we fished near the junction of Elk and Penns from about 7:30pm until dark. Penns and Elk were low but very fishable. I ended up landing 5 or 6 fish up to about 14 inches on tan caddis, sulphur duns, and right at dark a coffin fly (aka shad fly, aka green drake spinner). The coffin flies came down in what I'd call a "moderate blizzard." Not the heaviest I have seen but they were definitely "on". Crawling all over you, etc. Sulphur duns and clouds of sulphur spinners too. And a few march brown spinners.

Saturday, we didn't get to the stream until around noon. There were thunderstorms in the area, but they mostly seemed to miss Penns. Got a couple of good fish on tan caddis, and lost one of about 16. I had a frustrating evening. I deliberately chose a deeper hole to stake out to await the drakes. Very little happened during the evening, and I ended up landing only one fish of about a foot long, plus one rock bass (!) Around 9pm, even though the drakes were hitting the water pretty heavily, little was happening so I left the water. I got back to the car and waited a good half hour to 45 minutes for my dad. Since he's over 70 now, I never ever beat him back to the car at the end of the night, so at this point I knew I'd made a big mistake. He took 4 very good fish on coffin flies in the last 20 minutes or so, as it was nearly too dark to see, with the last one estimated at 20 inches or a little better. The rest of our large group (about 12 of us) split between those who stuck it out fairly late and got into a couple of good fish apiece at the end, or those who left too early like me.

Sunday morning/afternoon fishing was really slow for everybody in our group. It began to rain mid-afternoon and was coming down pretty steady all evening. I ended up getting about a half dozen fish from 8 inches to about 13, with most of them coming on a rusty spinner fished "blind" even though there were few active risers. Activity picked up slightly at dark, and a few drakes fell, but not really good numbers, probably due to the rain, which only let up right around dark. Nobody in our group caught big numbers but we did take a few nice fish including one of 18 inches (on an adams, of all things).

Monday late-morning we hit the stream again and things were generally slow, although a few fish were taken on small beadheads. The rain had clouded Elk, but not Penns, which I found odd. Around lunch time, I moved to a deep run and took 5 good fish, with several running about 14-15 inches, on a large golden stone nymph. I think they may have been taking it for a green drake nymph, as there were drakes hatching steadily in low numbers all day. These fish included two stocked rainbows which had colored up and grown football fat in the creek.

We didn't venture over to Spring as we usually do, which is probably an indication that Penns was fishing pretty well all things considered.

Rudy reported that there was a large male bear in camp both Saturday and Sunday nights, and Saturday it tried very persistently to get into one of the occupied campers despite efforts to scare it off by making noise. He also said there was a sow and cubs around too. Nobody in our group saw any of the bears, despite being up late around the campfire and walking back and forth a lot between cabins and campers in the dark.

That's about it. I hope everyone enjoyed the change of scenery at Pine and that it will work out for me to attend the Jam again next year.
Bruno wrote:
I woke around 5 am Sunday and started driving south down along kettle creek.

Actually it was more like 4:30 and take the keys out of the damn ignition if you are going to leave the doors open for 15 minutes... :lol: :lol: ...ding...ding...ding....ding.... :-x :-x

Festus...only wild life I saw was the fox that ran across the road on the way to the creek sunday night.

As Jack also mentioned, having the pavilion next door was great...wherever we go next year, we need to have that comfort again.
Re: Wildlife sightings

Numerous Deer
Box Turtle
Dead Porcupine
Bald Eagle
Canvasback (Duck)
Jack what about the Bonny Brested River Runner. Thats a rare sight in Northern PA. It was even captured on film :lol: