J in warm wx?



New member
Dec 9, 2012
Looking for some advise, re: the "J"
Heading out to fish during a warm spell later this week. For certain we will be looking to fish late PM into dark...
Just wondering if many have had success on the J, early mornings? My group rarely is on the water prior to 0930.......
Any thoughts/anecdotes appreciated. ...
Tight lines,
Do you mean the juniata or the little juniata?
If you mean the Juniata for smallies, catfish, etc then the action has been great. Couldn't tell you about the Little J lately though.
Will be on the Little J from Tyrone to the Gorge.....thanks for any thoughts....
I keep this one bookmarked just for some general ideas when I'm headed out there. Luck depending on time of day has varied for, so if you're there to fish, just fish and see what happens, in my opinion.

it should fish pretty well underneath even if there is not much hatching during the day. If its really hot and sunny during the day (85+), you might want to try to fish the early morning from 7-8ish to noon or so, then grab a beer or three, a good lunch, a nap, and then fish from 5-6ish or so to a little past dark. good luck