It's not my fault, I'm the victim here!



Mar 13, 2014
With the arrival of a new fishing season just around the corner, I find I've exhausted my supply of excuses why I have days with so little or no fish caught. Too much wind, water too low, wrong fly, etc. bring too many eye rolls from the wife. I've gone to the well too often so I need more excuses to add to my list. Give it your best shot, the more the better.
If you want to make her mad, tell the truth:

- All the good places are far away, but you don't give me enough time per outing to go there.

Or if you wanna earn points, state the same thing differently:

- All the good places are far away, but if I went there, I'd get home later, spend less time with you, and not get anything around here done. It's worth it to stay closer to home and just be satisfied with shorter less successful outings.
Tell her you really don't know how to fish.

Tell here that you were really only going out to hook up with friends. And you felt guilty about it.
wildtrout2 wrote:
Needing an excuse to go fishing, that'll be the day.
This should be moved to Cabin Fever #Thread along with politically incorrect #T-Shirts
I need a new rod!
I was/am known as the world's worst avid fly angler. I just embraced my celebrity.
Tell her to stop texting you while your fishing. You keep missing the hook set and the ring tone spooks the fish... even worse on vibrate.
Deep down I know where the problem lies but in the meantime - wrong tippet, the fish gorged themselves yesterday, no fish in the stream, no hatch ............
Lately, I sometimes find myself telling her a had a good day - when I really didn't.
Kind of a white lie though, IMO. As the old saying goes, "A bad day fishing, still beats a good day of work"
I honestly don't care about catching. I enjoy a good day, but I don't measure my day by my catch rate. It's the surroundings and being in nature.
We go on enough hikes together that my wife knows it's true, but she also knows that I need to wade in the same water and interact with the nature too.
Measuring success and measuring enjoyment should not be confounded. I do both. I care about both. And they can sometimes effect each other, though that's not to say I can't have enjoyment without success, nor that every successful day ranks high on the enjoyment scale.

There are a lot of factors that determine how enjoyable it is. Success is just one of them. So is where it's at, what the weather's like, who I'm with, etc.

And I'm also more likely to be successful when I'm enjoying myself as well.
Because WORK is for SUCKERS!
Com'n along. Walk with and fish with me.
You'll understand.
InCahoots wrote:
With the arrival of a new fishing season just around the corner, I find I've exhausted my supply of excuses why I have days with so little or no fish caught. Too much wind, water too low, wrong fly, etc. bring too many eye rolls from the wife. I've gone to the well too often so I need more excuses to add to my list. Give it your best shot, the more the better.

I was hammered.
I can't concentrate because I'm daydreaming about all the exotic places I could be if I was foot loose and fancy free so it's your fault I'm a lousy fisherman.
Sweetie, I enjoy your nagging and that's something the fish can't do!
I tell her that I'm such a poor fisherman because I don't get out fishing enough or live on a trout stream....

which I think is partially true - I envy those that live close enough to stream to fish it in the evenings and study and match the hatches, weather and season.
