It's Not Just Smallmouth Bass: Human Drugs and Medications Turning Up in Pacific Salmon



Staff member
Jan 24, 2016
The problem of human drugs and birth control products (even cocaine in this study!) turning up in fish continues to be discovered. A new study finds juvenile Pacific Salmon with traces of these products. Not surprisingly, the suspect is treated wastewater.

I think such studies will continue to proliferate. Hopefully, some new wastewater treatment protocols can be designed for future use.

Salmon on Drugs
That's frightening. +1 on new regs for discharged waste water. Doctors need to ease up on the over medication of the public anyhow. Can you imagine what would show up if they tested crabs and flounder from the bay?
What is the state of the technology for removing these things from wastewater?

On a side note, Sister-in-law worked at a nursing home for years. When they had leftover meds, whether it be because a patient died or whatever, they were required to flush it down the commode. I don't know if that was just a policy, or if it was the law, but it is pretty freakin stupid.

troutbert wrote:
What is the state of the technology for removing these things from wastewater?

The article explained some of that. Not a lot, but some.
This has to be a mistake! Waste water is a source of pollution! Next they'll be saying farm runoff is a problem! Perhaps more study is needed.
krayfish2 wrote:
Can you imagine what would show up if they tested crabs and flounder from the bay?
This is a big problem in the Chesapeake. There's no more soft crabs in the Bay.

The reason why?

A shipload of Viagra went down.
Zing! Well done