It's making me do this.

Nov 16, 2024
Look, I don't know what you want to know. I've got dirt on several of the mods. I've forgotten more passwords than I care to admit. I know where Shane, if Shane still exists, keeps his stringer. I know how to tie the Maurice(tm). I refuse to drive more than 30 minutes from my front door. I've probably been tempbanned more than 90% of the other users here. And yet they still love me.

Well, most of them do.


I just mostly need to see whose still alive and who isn't.
Look, I don't know what you want to know. I've got dirt on several of the mods. I've forgotten more passwords than I care to admit. I know where Shane, if Shane still exists, keeps his stringer. I know how to tie the Maurice(tm). I refuse to drive more than 30 minutes from my front door. I've probably been tempbanned more than 90% of the other users here. And yet they still love me.

Well, most of them do.


I just mostly need to see whose still alive and who isn't.
New rules altogether. Now, post something about pa fly fishing and you're golden.
New rules altogether. Now, post something about pa fly fishing and you're golden.

You're the one I got *pictures* of. You're the one who should be awarding me gifts and praise for not sharing!

Uhh...About actual fishing... It's actually kinda boring most of the time and I did it like.. three times this last year. So that's novel.
You're the one I got *pictures* of. You're the one who should be awarding me gifts and praise for not sharing!

Uhh...About actual fishing... It's actually kinda boring most of the time and I did it like.. three times this last year. So that's novel.
C'mon gfen. We all have pics of jack. What else ya got?
Jack is like my 21 year old cat. He pees where he wants, craps where he wants, he eats and drinks what he wants, when he wants, and while he doesn't look quite as good as he used to, he's still a good dude to have around and he can still jump off the couch and clear the foot stool without disintegrating upon landing. Ok, maybe not that last part but he's still good company.

And he was born on the best day!
Whats the context/origin story here with Gfen? As a forum newb trying to qualify these statements throw me a bone here.
Whats the context/origin story here with Gfen? As a forum newb trying to qualify these statements throw me a bone here.

Buy the book. 😆

Just look up a bunch of late 2000’s/early 2010’s threads. You’ll find him. And likely enjoy.