It's kind of silly..



Mar 7, 2013
When one thinks of wrapping thread, feathers, or tufts of fluff on a hook to match wits with pea-brained fish - what a grand sport this is!
pcray1231 wrote:
to match wits with pea-brained fish

The embarrassing part is that the fish often wins this battle of wits.

Dont you have a PHD ?
No, but my wife does. I merely have a Masters. So please don't call me doctor, but feel free to call me master!

Hungry fish = feeding fish = catching fish. Full fish = non feeding fish = skunk. My fishing thesis.
I accept your thesis Dr. Poopdeck and therein lies the fun of it all. Master Pcray has a nice ring to it. As for me, it's school of hard knocks on the water while flingin artificial bugs these last 40+ years (AND - loving it!).
poopdeck wrote:
Hungry fish = feeding fish = catching fish. Full fish = non feeding fish = skunk. My fishing thesis.

you need to factor in if the fish is wary, spooked, pressured.

a spooked hungry fish won't eat.
I like to call my son Dr Brian once in a while. He's an engineer who's PhD is in Math. He gets Dr. Mac once in a while too. :)
If you think about the cost , it realy sounds very silly. We're going to fish N. Cal. where my Wife is from and im praying the peabrains are hungry.