It's Good to be Back!



Well-known member
Dec 8, 2013
Miff-Co, PA
As some of you probably picked up from other threads, on October 15th I ruptured my left Achilles tendon. Within the past two weeks I've finally felt comfortable enough to do some wading/fishing, and I've been out maybe 6 times. That was the longest break of not fishing for many, many years. Tonight, I even found some hatching caddis and was able to tempt a couple swinging some wets. This Friday, I'm going to try and tackle Penns.

It feels so good to be able to fish again, and I'm so happy spring is getting underway


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Awesome! I'm very happy for you, because I KNOW how much you love this thing they call fly fishing.
i'm very happy your doing well and back in action! your timing is perfect --- i hope you got alot of good reading in. great photos. Lace up that left wading boot extra tight!
That’s great, Josh! Glad to hear you’re back at it. Are you packing a wading staff for Penns? Not trying to be that guy, just planting a seed. We need to look out for each other.
That’s great, Josh! Glad to hear you’re back at it. Are you packing a wading staff for Penns? Not trying to be that guy, just planting a seed. We need to look out for each other.
I've never used a wading staff in my life, but it would be a good idea.

Or an even better idea would be to fish Spring as the wading is much easier. Spring Creek just can't compare to Penns, though.

Penns does make me a little nervous. I've been fishing small and easy to wade water so far. Penns is not that..

I strongly suggest no one else here breaks their Achilles in sucks.
I've never used a wading staff in my life, but it would be a good idea.

Or an even better idea would be to fish Spring as the wading is much easier. Spring Creek just can't compare to Penns, though.

Penns does make me a little nervous. I've been fishing small and easy to wade water so far. Penns is not that..

I strongly suggest no one else here breaks their Achilles in sucks.
No, Penns is not small and easy, particularly at this time of the year. Good luck, Josh. Be safe!
hockey team member of mine , 65 , just blew his out playing .... drumroll ... PICKLE BALL ... while on vacation with family in Fla. had to return to home, surgery ... now weeks of non activity and physical therapy. Line mates are really wearing him out via texts about it. hes in a walking boot now .... but a long road back.

enjoy penns!
I've never used a wading staff in my life, but it would be a good idea.

Or an even better idea would be to fish Spring as the wading is much easier. Spring Creek just can't compare to Penns, though.

Penns does make me a little nervous. I've been fishing small and easy to wade water so far. Penns is not that..

I strongly suggest no one else here breaks their Achilles in sucks.
I second using a "granny stick". if anything for confidence. You don't want to go back to square one or hurt another part of you due to any weakness instability in the injured leg. It also helps climbing up and down banks. Use a folding kind and use it if you need it. I have mine on my hip all places but Spring creek and parts of the J. I use it infrequently, but I'm glad I had it when I needed it! It also doubles as a good probe in snakey area like parts of Fishing Creek
hockey team member of mine , 65 , just blew his out playing .... drumroll ... PICKLE BALL ... while on vacation with family in Fla. had to return to home, surgery ... now weeks of non activity and physical therapy. Line mates are really wearing him out via texts about it. hes in a walking boot now .... but a long road back.

enjoy penns!
Apparently pickle ball is blowing out lots of seniors Achilles. I've heard tales. My first doc pushed surgery hard. I turned her down and went with someone else. No surgery. I had a 1 inch separation. 5 1/2 months later, I'm feeling pretty damn good. The body is amazing.
Hey, don't be too proud to use a wading staff. I have a bad knee that I'm trying to keep, so I've been using one for a couple of years, and it has kept me on the water on some places I would be afraid to fish without it, including small streams. I imagine you're younger than I am (74), but using a staff might help you from doing in your Achilles again. Then you'll still be on the water when you're my age. Good luck out there.
good to hear you've gotten your mobility back just in time for the season.
No doubt a wading staff will help you keep added pressure off of that Achilles tendon while it heals. Play it smart and join us older guys who rely on them.
Congrats on getting healed up enough to get back out!
Good for you. I am jealous. I haven't fished since new years eve. My wife is having some health issues due to complications from a surgical procedure gone wrong. Obviously taking care of her is top priority right now, but I am REALLY itching to do some fishing.

One more operation in 2 weeks and hopefully that takes care of it all, and she is healed up in time for me to make it to the Jam. That may end up being my first fishing trip of the year.
Good for you. I am jealous. I haven't fished since new years eve. My wife is having some health issues due to complications from a surgical procedure gone wrong. Obviously taking care of her is top priority right now, but I am REALLY itching to do some fishing.

One more operation in 2 weeks and hopefully that takes care of it all, and she is healed up in time for me to make it to the Jam. That may end up being my first fishing trip of the year.
I hope that you get out soon. The water is FINE and the bugs are starting to hatch.
Glad to hear you're able to get back to wading.

I hadn't used a wading staff for most of my FFing years and now carry one and use it all the time.

Good luck fishing!!
Glad to hear you're healing up and back to fishing, I tore mine about 30 years ago, thought I tore a muscle and dragged it around for 3 weeks. Finally saw a Dr. he said since it's starting to heal no surgery. It is a long process
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