Its a struggle...



Active member
Mar 7, 2014
Spent the early evening fishing the Yellow Breeches. Found a few trout rising to what I am guessing were Hendricksons. Promptly sent my first back cast into the trees. After I untangled, I chased a few on the PT nymph and egg I had tied on to start. Managed a nice little rainbow on the egg dropper. Chucked that rig into a log that was on the far side of a deeper run.

Things were picking up on the surface, so I tied on a parachute adams, which was the closest match to what i saw them rising to in my box. Turned several other trout from that pool. I am convinced I am setting the hook too hard like the bass fisherman I have always been. I am anxious for the water to warm up, as that really got exciting even though I wasn't hooking up. Bad match? Bad presentation? Probably some of both.

As it got darker, I worked my way back to some swifter water, so I switched to a black wooly bugger. Had a take almost at the surface, was busy looking there then missed a strong strike from the downstream as it hung in the current.

Worked my way back up toward the stone bridge near where I parked since it was getting dark and chucked that black bugger into a seam below a nice riffle. Huge brown slammed the bugger and I was ready for him. Set the hook WAY too hard and up went the bugger into the trees.

I was ready to call it quits right there, but figured I'd fish back up the run. Lots of other anglers so I ended up all the way at the end of it, fished a nymph through some crystal clear water. I couldn't spot a single thing, so figured it was just good casting practice. moved 20 feet downstream and then had a riser come up TWICE right where I had carefully fished. Worked my way back up toward my car with no takers. Gave up after one more tree snag.

I am getting a hard education in this fly fishing thing... Please tell me it gets a little easier! :) Enjoying a beer and thinking how much larger that brown is getting now.

Lol, I love it. Did exactly the same thing, pretty sure we all did. You don't have to pull em out of the water on the set, My set is a raise of the arm with a small quick snap of the wrist.
you'll get it, your casts will get more accurate, you'll start remembering to look around you for clearance for the cast, soon you'll be doing it and won't even realize you're doing it until you realize you are cause you're grinning to your self. Yes, it get's easier. But not too much, cause if it was easy it wouldn't be as much fun now would it? Enjoy your journey...
Yeah Jack is are on your way. I still have days like you had there. The important thing in flyfishing is observation. Observation of your surroundings, your techniques, and an understanding of your shortfalls. You've noted them well here and with a few adjustments you can make that same day into one of double digit fish numbers and perhaps the unhooking of a 20" fish.
It's good that you are getting strikes. That means you are presenting it well enough to get them to take it. When I fish wooly buggers I try to keep slack out of the line, when they take it they pretty much set the hook themselves. The other day I was fishing a bugger down and across. Almost all of the takes where slightly down just about the moment it started to swing. Once I know they are on I lift the rod keep tension.
Thanks guys. Spent a little time this afternoon practicing casting on a small pond and catching some tiny sunfish. Have to be gentle on the hook set or they fly past you. :)

The more I cast, the more I realize what works and what doesn't.
Don't worry, though, I didn't get ****y. Called it a day after I bird nested my leader on a terrible back cast.

Guess I was also practicing untangling.
I've only been FF for about two years and about every 5 times I go out I have atleast one day like that but to me it's better than working so I appreciate it
Laurelrun, sounds like you are off to a great start. We all have frustrating days here and there. Just the fact you are getting action is really great. Means you are doing something right. The guys already gave you some good advise. So keep at it! And keep up the good work you are doing.

I should have noted that I was using most of the tips GenCon gave me at the newbie jam for fishing streamers in those riffles. Now I just have to listen and practice all that advice.
Laurel, glad I could help. I believe there will be a newbie brush up day at LL hopefully I will see you there.

Stick with it. Hook setting with a fly rod takes some practice. GG
GenCon this is OT…but every time I see that bread crust, it is amazing.

Can you provide more information about the newbie brush up at the LL? I looked on this site and could not find it.

"Laurel, glad I could help. I believe there will be a newbie brush up day at LL hopefully I will see you there. "

I had the same type of day Saturday, must had lost and retied 10 times. PITA when you're using a dropper....The week before fished the same area with zero issues and 1/2 doz. trout.
Couple things of I've learned when it comes to hobbies:

1.) Even when you do something stupid, like try a new spot and end up wait deep and mud and you wonder why you were dumb enough to try something different, you gotta remember that everyone makes bad choices.

2.) It doesnt matter the hobby: fishing, golf, painting, tiddlywinks, whatever, even those that are good and experience end up making mistakes

Does it get easier? Ummm, sometimes but you will have days like that from time to time. Just try to laugh and remember that you are out there for fun.
Mario, thanks. MRV I am not sure if a date has been set for brush up day. Maybe Heritage Angler can fill us in on that.

GenCon wrote:
....,I am not sure if a date has been set for brush up day. Maybe Heritage Angler can fill us in on that.

Wish I could give an answer, but I can't at this time.

Foxgap typically runs the brush-up events, as right now, any day off requires me to take 2 vacation days. It's a third shift thing.... :-(

Fox is also really busy with business travel, and we haven't even discussed a day yet.

Hopefully, we'll get things straightened out soon.
Heritage-Angler wrote:
GenCon wrote:
....,I am not sure if a date has been set for brush up day. Maybe Heritage Angler can fill us in on that.

Wish I could give an answer, but I can't at this time.

Foxgap typically runs the brush-up events, as right now, any day off requires me to take 2 vacation days. It's a third shift thing.... :-(

Fox is also really busy with business travel, and we haven't even discussed a day yet.

Hopefully, we'll get things straightened out soon.

H-A, I understand you guys are busy with work. Let me know if I can help in any way.

Man this was totally off my radar too. My apologies. I do not see a good Saturday until June. First weekend of May I'm in CA, the next 2 Saturdays are out due to those going to the jam early and then the jam itself. Then I'm away the 4th Saturday and my wife's b-day the last Saturday.

I'll throw out June 7th as a date and see how this fits into schedules. The next two Saturday's are out for me due to my week away on a fishing vacation with another CA trip at the end of June.

So give me some feedback on the 7th and if that seems to work, I'll get with H-A and get an event thread going.