Iso patterns



Feb 21, 2012
Hey all,

I'm looking for good iso and nymph patterns to tie. Anything anyone is willing to share would be greatly appreciated.



Size 10 2xl or 3x hook
Purple thread
Moose mane or micro fibbits for tail
Delaware River Club Spectramized Yellow Brown Dubbing
Deer hair compara wing
in the yough if thats where you plan on fishing them try a darker version of whitlicks red squirrel nymph rusty brown to dark brown with a strip of flash iup the middle of the back also i have had a great deal of luck in the yough this season fishing un weighted nymphs in the surface fils or just below it because the fish eat the nymphal shucks
well, what about the good ol' Zug Bug? always works fine for me, and has been the standard for generations, so that is always an option as well...
thanks for the replies so far. I've never fished iso's/slate drakes and enjoy tying as much as fishing
I tie and fish a simple all gray pattern that works quite well.

wings - dark dun turkey flat
hackle - medium dun
body - muskrat dubbing
tail - dun microfibbetts
The generic parachute adams covers the water and is close enough for the real bug. More precise than this is up to the angler's preference.

As to the nymph, I have meant to tie and try Humphreys version but have not quite gotten around to it. Shown here Humphreys Iso Nymph at Orvis but looks better in his book On the Trout Stream with Joe Humphreys.
While there are a number of generic patterns such as the Zug Bug or the nymph version of a Leadwing Coachman or a simple dark claret nymph with a black poly wingcase and a narrow, tapering silhouette (that is to say, no discernible thorax to abdomen hump) that will all do the job, the best specific Isonychia nymph pattern I know of is Dave Rockrock's version.

You can find the pattern here (after you do a little scrolling..):
You'll note that the photo of the real thing is a dark phase. The pattern I tie (with the median stripe) is shown below as well as the lighter phase pattern.

The pattern in the American Angler article has no median stripe because many of the specimens I capture in the fall don't have the stripe.


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thats a really nice tie lefty