Iso nymph...maybe



Jun 11, 2012
This is my attempt at an Iso nymph. What do you think? I think the tail might be too long, but not sure. If so, i can just snip it back a wee bit. Critiques appreciated!

Tyger, not bad. But I would adjust body color and tail, short tails, body I like dark red brown with a bit of dark grey mixed in. Wing case dark, like wild turkey. I like brown partridge for legs. Dorsal stripe is white. 1-strand of pearl flashabou looks great as well. Fish seem to approve. If I have time today. I'll tie you one for tonight.

I would definitely snip back the tails. They're fairly short in an iso nymph.

You might also want to think about beefing up the body a bit or flattening it. When seen from above or below, the natural is widest just behind the middle of the body, not at the head. (When seen from the side, though, they're more tapered.)

Take a look at this video: Iso nymph swimming. You'll see both top and side profiles. You'll also see that imitating their swimming motion of next to impossible (and they're constantly swimming.)
Agree - nice fly but tails are too long. ISO nymphs have a very distinct, almost elongated oval profile. I like mine darker as well and in smaller sizes; body length should be about 3/4 of an inch.
Thank you for the input. Ive never really gotten into Isos but wanted to give them a shot. Im color deficient so the dubbing blend i made is what i thought was good :(

Mike, id love to get a look at one to try to replicate.
Thanks for the video. Seems like a good way to fish these would almost be like a jigging action. Good swimmers, and yeah my tail is WAY too long. Thanks again.